
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number CLS/6/2/3
TitlePublications - Equal pay
Description - Gregory, M., Connoly, S. (2001) 'Changing Status: Women's Part-Time Work and Wages in Britain' in 'LoWER: European Low-Wage
Employment Research Network' Working Paper No.4
- Joshi, H., Paci, P., Makepeace, G., Waldfogel, J. (1998) 'Unequal Pay for Women and Men: Evidence from the British Birth Cohort Studies'
- Joshi, H., Makepeace, G., Dolton, P. (2007) 'More or Less Unequal? Evidence on the Pay of Men and Women from the British Birth Cohort
Studies' in 'Gender, Work and Organization' Vol.14, No.1
- Paci, P., Joshi, H. (1995) 'Is pay discrimination against young women a thing of the past? A tale of two cohorts' in 'International Journal of
Manpower' Vol. 16, No.2
- Joshi, H., Davies, H. (1996) 'Financial Dependency on Men: Have Women Born in 1958 Broken Free?' in 'Policy Studies' Vol.17, No.1
- Joshi, H., Davies, H., Ward, C. (1994) 'Financial Dependency within Partnerships: Patterns and Pathways'
- Joshi. H., Dale, A., Ward, C., Davies, H. (1995) 'Dependence and independence in the finances of women aged 33'
- Paci, P., Joshi, H., Makepeace, G., Dolton, P., Waldfogel, J. (1996) 'Wage Differentials betwen Men and Women: Evidence from Cohort
Studies' Research Series No.71
Extent2 Folders
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