Description | Press releases (on the Common Market unless otherwise stated) NEC statement on nuclear tests (2 copies) 28/2/62 Text of a party political broadcast by Gaitskell 8/5/62 Statement by the British and overseas Commonwealth Labour leaders 8/9/62 (2 copies and another copy P167) Text of a TV broadcast by Gaitskell 21/9/62 Speech by Gaitskell at the Brighton Conference 3/10/62 Speech by Gaitskell at Cambridge 13/10/62 Correspondence: CALLAGHAN, James, enclosing a copy of a letter and note from Robert Neild (3) BROWN, George (2) SWEDISH AMBASSADOR, enclosing the text of his lecture in the House of Commons (4/62), and Gaitskell reply only PARGITER, George (2) JENKINS, Roy (2) [DONNELLY], Desmond PICKLES, William (2) WALSH, F.P. (President of the New Zealand Federation of Labour). Letter from David Ennals enclosing a copy of a telegram (3) SHORE, Peter (2) BROWN, George, copy memorandum to the Chief Whip and secretary's note JAY, Douglas (2) ENNALS, David FLEMING, J. Marcus (2) EDWARDS, Robert, enclosing notes of a meeting with Paul-Henri Spaak in Brussels and a list of persons present (4) ADAMS, Sir Grantley, Trinidad (2) CALWELL, Arthur A.,Melbourne, Gaitskell to MOLLOY, P.G. (Commonwealth Parliamentary Association), enclosing a transcript of Gaitskell's address at a meeting of Commonwealth members (12/7/62) (3) TESTRO, R.C.(Testro Group, Melbourne) (2) BRAY, Jeremy (2) PICKSTOCK, Frank (Campaign for Democratic Socialism) (2) STEDING, Ray (2) JAY, Douglas (2) CANNON, Mrs J.P. (2) PINNIGET, A.B. (2) BRIGHTON, Randall (Western Counties Liberal Federation) (2) STRACHEY, John (2) COWLING, Christopher (Counterblast Labour Youth Group) (2) WALSTON, Oliver (2) BOLTON, Felicity (The British-Caribbean Association) (2) OSBORNE, Sir Cyril (3) HAYMAN, Harold (2) WILSON, Alex (2) MORTIMER, T.Chapman (2) RODGERS, William T. (2) BLENKINSOPP, Arthur POSTAN, Prof Michael (2) GRIFFITHS, Charles E. (2) PITT, Dr David (2) MCQUADE, G. (2) BECK, Baron Rolf, enclosing a cutting of his article, 'The Queen - Empress of Europe', in 'The Evening News and Star' (3) VOULLAIRE, Edward C., enclosing his reply to an article in 'The Observer' by Sir William Hayter (3) DOUGLAS, T. (The New Democratic Party, Canada) (2) OBOTE, A.Milton (Prime Minister of Uganda) (2) MEHTA, Asoka, Bombay (2) SINGAPORE, Prime Minister of (signed 'Harry') (2) TANGANYIKA, Prime Minister of (2) NASH, Walter, Gaitskell to CALWELL, Arthur (House of Representatives, Canberra). Includes LP Research paper 'The Alternative to the Common Market' by T.Balogh and Home Policy Committee note 'The Common Market Negotiations: Further Developments' (5) KATZ, Milton, enclosing a copy of his letter to Senator Jacob K.Javits (4) [FITCH], Alan COUSINS, Frank, Gaitskell to, and A.L.Williams (2) KAHN, Richard, Nicholas and Clarissa KALDOR, and Gaitskell to Prof James MEADE (6) BRYANT, Sir Arthur (5) WHITNEY, John Hay ('New York Herald Tribune'), enclosing a press cutting from his paper on Gaitskell's Conference speech on the Common Market (3) BESWICK, Frank (2) PEAY, K.E. (2) ALLEN, Arthur (2) BALOGH, Thomas (3) JACKSON, E. (2) TYERMAN, Donald ('The Economist') (2) HEATHCOTE-SMITH, Sir Clifford, enclosing a reprint of his letter to 'The Daily Telegraph'(1/10/62) (3) GLADWYN, Lord (2) NASH, Walter (Leader of the Opposition. New Zealand), enclosing a copy of his statement in the New Zealand Parliament (10/62) (3) LAMAS, Kenneth LIAS, Godfrey (3) MEADE, Prof James (2) BARDER, Brian L. List of people invited to Leo Russell's dinner party 12/62. |