
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number GAITSKELL/C/256/7
TitleCommon Market papers
DescriptionGeneral papers:<br>
Common Market Campaign. Circular letter from Lord Gladwyn, enclosing the Campaign's statement of support, and a letter from the Secretary concerning the deletion of Richard Bailey's name from the signatories Jun 1961<br>
Letter from F.P.Walsh (New Zealand Federation of Labour), enclosing a copy of his letter to George Woodcock (TUC) Jun 1961<br>
Reprint from 'Far East Trade', on the Common Market Jul 1961<br>
Transcript of a speech by Gaitskell to the Liberal Party in New York Feb 1962<br>
Draft amendment to the motion for entry into the Common Market, annotated by Gaitskell, and with a distribution list and note [?May 1962]<br>
'Keep Britain Out Campaign' papers. Reprints of articles:, 'The Common Market Mirage' by Douglas Jay, from 'The New Statesman'; 'Propaganda victims'(author unknown) from the 'City Press'; a circular letter Dec 1961-Jan 1962<br>
Reprint from 'The Times' of an article by Roy Harrod 'Britain, Free World and the Six' Jan 1962<br>
NFU circular, analysis and commentary on the January 14th Agreement 1962<br>
Barclays Bank leaflets on 'France' and the 'Common Market' Feb-Mar 1962<br>
Reprint from 'Socialist Commentary' for the Labour Common Market Committee of an article by Willi Birkelbach 'Socialists in the Common Market' Apr 1962<br>
Resolution of the Council of the Commonwealth Producers' Organisation and an explanatory memorandum May 1962<br>
List of material in the House of Commons Library relevant to the forthcoming debate, 6-7 Jun 1962 (2 copies) pre Jun 1962<br>
Extract from 'Hansard' (Lords) of Lord Gladwyn's speech 21 Jun 1962<br>
Note 'Common Market: Notes on the Present State of the Negotiations' post Jul 1962<br>
Labour Common Market Committee Newsbrief Jun 1962<br>
(?PLP) Labour Committee on Britain and the Common Market circulars: message from Lord Attlee and note on 'The Labour Party and the Common Market' (2 copies) Jul 1962<br>
Translation of the Austrian Statement before the Council of the EEC 28 Jul 1962<br>
Common Market Campaign Broadsheet Jul 1962<br>
Cuttings from 'The Financial Times Annual Review' 9 Jul 1962<br>
Letter to 'Harry' from Fred Wise, East Dereham, asking for information from Transport House Aug 1962<br>
NFU news release of a new farm and food plan as an alternative to EEC proposals Aug 1962 (see pamphlets)<br>
Notes (anon) 'The Commonwealth Challenge to British Policy' and 'British Socialism and the Common Market' [1962]<br>
Gaitskell ms notes (2ff) [?mid 1962]<br>
Copy of a letter to Lord Alexander from A.Hopkins ('The Income Tax Digest and Accountants' Review') Aug 1962<br>
Proofs of a book by L.St Clare Grondona 'A firm Foundation for Economy', a summary memorandum, and covering letter Sep 1962<br>
Paper by Henry Drummond-Wolff 'The Commonwealth', and extracts from it Sep 1962<br>
Letter from Gunnar Hagglof (Swedish Embassy) enclosing a latter part of a paper on talks with Couve de Murville in Munich 10 Sep 1962<br>
Memorandum 'on some aspects of the negotiations between Great Britain and the EEC' and press cuting of a report of the ministerial meeting in Brussels 29 Oct 1962<br>
Secretary's note on New Zealand export figures [?1962]<br>
Conservative and Unionist Central Office press release of speeches by Edward Heath, R.A.Butler and Sir Harmar Nicholls in the Common Market debate at the Conservative Party Conference [?Oct 1962]
<br> <br>
Speeches and broadcasts by Gaitskell and others:<br>
Halvard Lange, Norwegian Foreign Minister, in the Storting [?1962]<br>
Gaitskell to Fulham LP 14 Apr 1962<br>
Gaitskell party political broadcast 8 May 1962<br>
Dame Barbara Brooke Conservative party political broadcast 20 Jun 1962<br>
Walter Hallstein to the Diplomatic Press Association 'The European Economic Community as an Element in a New World Order' 22 Jun 1962<br>
Lord Baillieu to the English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth in Glasgow 2 Jul 1962<br>
President Ayub of Pakistan and Jawaharlal Nehru at the Prime Ministers' Conference 11 Sep 1962<br>
Harold Macmillan TV broadcast 20 Sep 1962<br>
Gaitskell TV broadcast 21 Sep 1962<br>
Transcript of a speech to the Road Haulage Association 'The Case for Britain's Entry into the Common Market'. Speaker unknown (ref.G/DB) 16 Oct 1962<br>
Gaitskell at the Conference of World Parliament Association, Paris 25 Oct 1962
<br> <br>
Papers relating to the Conference of Commonwealth Labour leaders 5-8 Sept 1962:<br>
Correspondence with Transport House staff and papers about the Conference arrangements including programmes and lists of participants (17)<br>
Gaitskell ms notes (1f&7ff) and a notebook of notes on the talks (end of folder)
<br> <br>
Correspondence (some runs on after the Conference) May-Sep 1962:<br>
CALWELL, A., Walter Nash and T.Douglas, draft Gaitskell letter to<br>
BARROW, Errol, Barbados. Copy correspondence between Barrow and George Brown (5)<br>
SHEREK, Henry, concerning an invitation for the leaders to see 'The New Men' at the Strand Theatre (10)<br>
GUNEWARDINE, R.S.S., Ceylon. Correspondence with George Brown (3)<br>
CALWELL, Arthur, Australia (10)<br>
OBOTE, A.M. Correspondence with George Brown (3)<br>
NASH, Sir Walter, New Zealand (10)<br>
NYERERE, Julius, Tanganyika, Gaitskell and George Brown to (4)<br>
MEHTA, Asoka, India, and A.M.Gadgil, special correspondent for 'The Sadhana Weekly' (7)<br>
LEW, Lee Kuan ('Harry') (5)<br>
DOUGLAS, T.C., Canada, and David Lewis (Jolliff, Lewis & Osler, Toronto) (7)<br>
CARTHY, Albert (Socialist International), including notes by Gaitskell and Socialist International circulars (8)<br>
WILSON, J.M. (London New Democratic Party Club) (2)<br>
JAY, Douglas 11 Sep 1962
<br> <br>
Conference and post-Conference circulars and reports:<br>
LP Research Department notes:<br>
'Statements made by Mr Heath to Parliament on the Progress of the Common Market Negotiations' on 7 Mar 1962 Aug 1962<br>
'Commonwealth and Common Market. Notes on the Outline Agreement' Aug 1962<br>
'United Kingdom and the European Community. Report by the Lord Privy Seal on the meeting with Ministers of Member States of the European Economic Community at Brussels...' (HMSO) Aug 1962<br>
Circular from A.L.Williams, enclosing a press release on the conference, (3 copies,1 annotated by Gaitskell) and further copies of the 2 LP Research papers above Sep 1962<br>
'Socialist Information International', including a report on the conference 15 Sep 1962<br>
Press cutting (paper unknown, possibly 'The Times') about India's support for Britain's application post 13 Sep 1962
<br> <br>
Books, pamphlets and leaflets:<br>
'Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community and connected documents' (Secretariat of the Interim Committe for the Common Market and Euratom, Brussels) [1957]<br>
'The European Community' (European Community Information Service) Apr 1960
<br> <br>
Information Service of the European Communities pamphlets:<br>
'Economic Integration and Political Unity in Europe'. Speech by Walter Hallstein 22 May 1962<br>
'Bulletin from the European Community' Jun 1961<br>
'The European Community. Its Place in the World' Pack of leaflets [1961-2]<br>
'A Survey of the Common Market' (W.S.Crawford Ltd) Jul 1961<br>
'Council of Europe News' Nov 1961<br>
'RB [Rotterdamsche Bank] Review'. Article by Sir Donald MacDougall 'Britain and the Common Market' Dec 1961<br>
'Britain and the European Communities. Background to the Negotiations' (HMSO) (3 copies) 1962<br>
'Common Market Common Sense' 9 leaflets (Conservative and Unionist Central Office) [?1962]<br>
'Britain the Commonwealth and Europe' Harold Macmillan (Conservative and Unionist Central Office) and a photocopy of the text [?1962]<br>
'The Modern Commonwealth' Duncan Sandys (HMSO) Jan 1962<br>
'Not with Europe: the political case for staying out' William Pickles (Fabian International Bureau) (2 copies) Apr 1962<br>
'Commonwealth and Common Market' Tom Soper (Fabian Commonwealth Bureau) Sep 1962<br>
'The Truth about the Common Market' Douglas Jay Aug 1962<br>
'Britain and the Common Market'. Texts of speeches made at the 1962 LP Conference by Gaitskell and George Brown (LP) Oct 1962<br>
'Britain and the Common Market' (United Kingdom Council of the European Movement) Sep 1962<br>
'Britain's Trade Unions and the Common Market' Robert Pitman [?1962]<br>
'Sweden Partner in Europe' (Swedish Banks Association) [?1962]<br>
'UK, Commonwealth and Common Market'. James Meade (Institute of Economic Affairs) 1962<br>
'Commonwealth Digest and World Economic Review' Jun 1962<br>
NFU Information Service 'British Agriculture and the Common Market' (2 copies) post Jul 1962<br>
'A Farm and Food Plan' (NFU) Aug 1962<br>
'Christian Socialism. Economic Crisis and Common Ownership'. Paul Derrick (Christian Socialist Movement) Jul 1962<br>
'Common Sense about the Common Market' (Labour Common Market Committee), with 'Newsbrief' enclosed Jul 1962<br>
'Britain, the Economist and the Six'. E.J.Mishan. Reprint from 'The Bankers' Magazine' post Jul 1962<br>
'United Kingdom. Economic Surveys by the OECD' (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Mar 1962<br>
'Legal Problems of the Common Market and European Free Trade Area' (Law Society) and a copy of Gaitskell's letter to Lord Gladwyn acknowledging it Mar 1962<br>
Reprint from 'Steel & Coal' of an article by J.A.Raven 'British Coal and the European Common Market' Apr 1962<br>
'District Bank Review' and accompanying correspondence with J.C.Hopwood (District Bank, Manchester) (4) Jun 1962.
Extent2 folders
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