Description | May-Sep 1952: ANSON, John (Yorkshire Regional Council of the LP) (2) ANVIL FILMS LTD (2) BALT, William (Economic Co-operation Administration. UK Mission) (6) BARKSTON ASH COUNTY CLP (2) BEDFORD, Mrs., and Treasury and Gaitskell's Private Secretaries (4) BEEVER, G. (2) BINDOFF, S.J. (Historical Association) (3) BOYD-ORR, Lord (World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government) (2) BRAND, Lord (2) BRISTOL CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY (2) BRITISH AIRCRAFT CONSTRUCTORS, Society of (2) BROWNS, Bill Gorell (2) BRUSSER, William F. (US Embassy) (2) CAIRNS, Andrew, enclosing a press article by himself on Tarran Factory, Perth (3) CAPES, Renalt (3) CARRINGTON, John (2) CARTWRIGHT, H., Gaitskell's Private Secretary to CARDWELL, T.A. (2) CATLIN, Prof George, and Sir Hartley Shawcross (3) CLYDEBANK TOWN COUNCIL. Notes on the financial position of Clydebank following war damage and letters from officers to Cyril Bence MP and Commander T.D. Galbraith. No Gaitskell letters (4) COHEN, Leonard, enclosing copies of an open letter to the 'Guardian' to Alfred Krupp, and a letter to the editor of 'The Economist'(4) COLCHESTER, Mayor of (2) COMMITTEE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (USA) (2) CRAWLEY, Aidan DAVENPORT, Nicholas (4) DOUGLAS, Lewis (2) DURBIN TRUST (John Diamond & Co) DURHAM COLLEGES LABOUR CLUB (2) ECONOMIC RESEARCH COUNCIL (2) EDGEWARE FABIAN SOCIETY (2) ELDER, Henry and Julius Holmes (US Foreign Service) (8) 'EVENING NEWS' (2) FARMER, Margaret B. (2) FERGUSON, Harry (2) FOOT, Major G.Hammond (5) from Feb 1952 FRIENDS OF ATLANTIC UNION (Sir Hartley Shawcross) (6) GAITSKELL, Arthur, Gaitskell's Private Secretary to GINSBURG, David (2) GORDON, Lincoln GROUP 3 LTD. (2) GRUNER, Tony ('Daily Film Renter') (2) HALLOWELL, Nellie (2) HALPERN, J.W. (2) HATT-COOK, Sallie (6) HOPKINSON, A.F. (United Central Africa Association) (2) HYNDLEY, Lord (2) INDIA, High Commissioner for (3) JAY, Douglas KEYSTONE PRESS AGENCY and Solly Pearce (7) KINEMATOGRAPH RENTERS' SOCIETY (2) LABOUR PARLIAMENTARIANS ASSOCIATION (Donald Chapman) (4) LABOUR PARTY (Donald Alger) (2) LA RUHE GERY, Miss (2) LITTLE, E.J. (2) LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Students' Union (2) McNEIL, Hector (3) MacTAGGART, Sir John (2) MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY LABOUR CLUB (2) MAYHEW, Christopher (2) METCALFE, Chas (2) MORLEY COLLEGE (4) NASH, Mrs D. (3) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEATRICAL & KINE EMPLOYEES (Tom O'Brien) Includes a copy letter to Sir Vincent Tewson (TUC) and a TUC memo 'Film Industry-Proposals for Further Action' (6) NEW ZEALAND HIGH COMMISSIONER (2) NEWMAN, Ernest NIGERIA, Department of Commerce, enclosing a copy of a broadcast by A.C.Nwapa on his return to Nigeria from London (3) NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY LABOUR CLUB (5) NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION (3) NUM, Yorkshire Area (Ernest Jones). It includes a draft MS and typed precis of Gaitskell's lecture on coal mining to Bingley Trade Union Summer School (10) PAKISTAN, High Commissioner for (2) PEROUX, Francois. Article by Peroux 'Hubert Beuve-Mery et L'Independance Francaise' from 'La Vie Intellectuelle' PIERCEY, Lord (2) PIGGOTT, Julian (Jewellery & Silverware Council) PLOWDEN, Sir Edwin (2) POALE ZION (4) POOLE LP (3) POTTERNEWTON WARD LP (North East Leeds) (2) PRESTON W. (City of Leeds LP) (2) QUEEN MARY COLLEGE LABOUR SOCIETY (4) RAWLINS, R.E.Donaldson (3) REDDY, K.M.S., India (4) from Jul 1951 REES, E.V. (LP, South West Regional Offices) and a letter from Donald Alger (3) Re REVAI, [Andrew]. David Maxwell Fyfe (2) RICHARDSON, Mary (2) ROBENS, Alfred ROBERTSON, Norman, High Commissioner for Canada, Gaitskell to ROSE, Harry J. (4) ROYAL ECONOMIC SOCIETY, Gaitskell to SCHAFER, Albert STEWART, Mary, Gaitskell to STOKES, Richard (4) SWANSEA UNIVERSITY (3) SYLVESTER, F. (3) 'TAXATION' (Ronald Staples) (3) THOMAS, L.P., enclosing notes of his speech to Glasgow Chamber of Commerce (3) THOMAS, T.L. (2) TOWELL, David (2) WATSON, H.D. WARD, A.D (2) WEA Western District (2) WILLIAMS, Dr John H., enclosing an offprint of his article 'End of the Marshall Plan' from 'Foreign Affairs' YEADON, RAF (2) YORKSHIRE MINE WORKERS' ASSOCIATION (2) XYZ. |