Description | TAFF, Mildred, Aden, enclosing papers concerning the case of her husband, Major Taff. Includes correspondence with Reginald Paget and John Profumo (14) TAIT, Miss E. (2) TALBOT, C.W. (3) TALLANT, Rene and Alfred. Silver Wedding Anniversary card (2) TAMS, P. (2) TANNER, F.G., enclosing a cutting from a [?Reading] paper (4) Re TARAYAN, Nicholas. Gerald Cox (3) TAVERNE, Dick (2) TAYLOR, A.T. (3) TAYLOR, Basil, enclosing 'Westminster Bank Review' Feb 1962, annotated [?by Taylor] (2) TAYLOR, Mrs C., Gaitskell's secretary to (2) TAYLOR, C.F., enclosing a cutting from [?'Nation Europe'] (4) TAYLOR, G. (2) TAYLOR, Henry Milton, Nassau, and George Thomas (7) TAYLOR, H.R. (2) TAYLOR, I.J. (2) TAYLOR, John (Salford CND) (2) TAYLOR, Joyce (3) TAYLOR, Leslie (2) TAYLOR, Michael (4) TAYLOR, N.G., enclosing a leaflet 'The Common Market. The Political Issue' (3) TAYLOR, Richard (2) TAYLOR, W.M. (2) TEMPTER, J. (2) TENNANT, Eleanora, Tasmania, enclosing a copy of her letter to John Hare (3) THATCHER, Mrs B.P. (2) THEOBALD, J. (2) THEOBALDS LOCAL LP (J.E.Howarth), enclosing his memorandum on the Transport Bill. Includes correspondence with George Strauss and Ernest Marples (7) THODEY, Alfred, Victoria, enclosing copies of his letters to the paper 'Melbourne Age' and a cutting concerning Australian Paper Manufacturers Ltd. (6) THOMAS, Miss E.R. (2) THOMAS, Edward, enclosing a copy of his letter to 'The Guardian' (3) THOMAS, Gillian and others (Voice of Women) (2) THOMAS, I.R. (2) THOMAS, J.H. (2) THOMAS, Mrs J. (2) THOMAS, L. (2) THOMAS, Len, Gaitskell to THOMAS, W. Noel (Town Clerk of Rhonnda) and G.Elfed Davies (4) THOMASON, Owen (2) THOMPSON, Mrs D. (2) THOMPSON, Denys and others. Copy of their letter to Sir Leonard Rosen THOMPSON, Ethel (2) THOMPSON, J. (3) THOMPSON, Jessie E. (2) THOMPSON, P.M. (2) THOMPSON, R. (2) THOMPSON, Sidney (2) THOMPSON, William (2) THOMSON, Mrs J. and the National Assistance Board (4) THOMSON, Malcolm B. (2) THOMSON, Robert (2) THOMSON, Roy, enclosing a booklet on 'The Thomson Foundation' (11/62) (7) THORBECKE, Mrs B, and the Ministry of Pensions (7) THORN, E.C. (2) THORNE, Angela, enclosing a cutting of her letter to a local (Tiverton) paper (3) THORNTON, A.Roland (2) THORPE, R.D. (2) TICKNER, Henry (2) TIERNEY, J.H., enclosing his booklet 'Early Scottish Newspapers and Extras' (1961) (5) TIFFANY, Stanley (2) TIGHE, T. (2) 'TIME AND TIDE' (Iain Sproat and R.A.Sykes) and John Harris (LP) (6) TIMPERLEY, W.A. (3) TIMS, A.W. (2) TINGLE, John, enclosing a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox 'Settle the Question Right' (3) TITREN, E.H.R., Natal (2) TODD-NAYLOR, Gwendoline TOLLEY, P.V.J. (2) TOMKINS, S. (NUR Willesden) (2) TOMLINSON, May (2) TOMPKINS, G. (2) TONBRIDGE CONSTITUENCY YOUNG SOCIALISTS (A.Inglefield) (2) TONER, Miss M. (Northern Ireland CND) (2) TOOLE, G. (2) TOTTENHAM LP (5) TOVEY, Mrs A.M. (2) TOWETT, T., Gaitskell to TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ASSOCIATION (Wyndham Thomas), enclosing the journal 'Town and Country Planning' Aug-Sept 1962 (4) TOWNLEY, John, enclosing a Christian CND pamphlet 'Human Nature and the Dominion of Fear' (3) TOWNSEND, Ernest and Elizabeth (2) TOWNSEND, Katherine and correspondence with Christopher Mayhew and Woolwich Housing Department (7) TOZER, Edwin (2) TREDET, M.Michael (2) TREE, Bessie (2) TREND, Burke TREW, W.S. (2) TREWING, A.G. and others (2) TRICKEY, Mrs E. and Sara Barker (LP) (3) TRIGGER, Ian. Includes a long Gaitskell reply, outlining general LP policy (4) TROTT, Phyllis. Includes a resolution from Harrow West CLP (2) TRUESHAW, D. (2) TUCK, Raphael. Includes a House of Commons Visitor's card (3) TUCKER, Helen, (Voice of Women, Ottawa), enclosing a copy of a brief to Harold Macmillan and an editorial from 'The Manchester Guardian' (2/5/62) concerning atomic tests (4) TULLETT, John (2) TUNISIAN Ambassador (2) TURNER, B. (4) TURNER, F.E. (2) TURNER, George E., enclosing articles 'Freedom from Fear'(2 copies) and 'The Final Warning', copy of a letter to the Canadian Prime Minister, a cutting from 'The Cowichan Leader' concerning his building of a church in British Columbia, and the magazine 'The Plain Truth' (7/62) (9) TURNER, John (3) TURNER, Vivian, enclosing a cartoon from 'The Daily Express' (9/5/62). Includes a letter from Sir Frank Soskice (4) TWIGG, Horace (4) TYLER, Roderick (2) Re TYNMORE, Thomas. Gaitskell's secretary to David Ennals