Description | Genealogical chart entitled 'Pedigree showing connections of the Barclays with noteworthy ancestors' up to Francis Galton, undated but post-1911. [GALT 367] Four copies of genealogical chart entitled 'Immediate ancestry and collaterals of Sir Francis Galton', undated but post-1911. [GALT 368] Two copies of a genealogical chart of Abrahams, Farmers and Galtons, undated. [GALT 369] Two copies of a genealogical chart entitled 'Immediate ancestors of Charles Robert Darwin as far as known', undated. [GALT 370] Two copies of a genealogical chart entitled 'Pedigree illustrating relationships of Freams, Barclays and Galtons', undated but post-1911. [GALT 371] |