
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number GDS/6/7
TitleTeachers' Committee
DescriptionMinute books of the Teachers' Committee, 1879-1939. The Committee, created in 1879 under the Education Committee, met twice a month to discussed appointment and salaries of teachers and other issues affecting teaching staff. It was dissolved in 1947. There are no indexes in the minute books but they information on individual teachers can be found if the dates of appointment and school they taught at are known.
Extent6 volumes.
AccessStatusRestricted access
AccessConditionsAll papers containing personal data are subject to closure under the Data Protection Act.
Related MaterialBefore 1879 information on teachers can be found in the Education Committee Minutes (GDS/6/3). Salaries of individual teachers can be found in the minutes of the Finance Committee up to 1913 (GDS/6/4).
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