
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ABS/4
TitleAdvisory Committee on the Training of Specialist Art Teachers
DescriptionComprises signed minutes, agendas and related papers for all meetings held between May 1952 and February 1980. No agenda for the meeting held 19 May 1955; minutes for 14 December 1970, 4 June 1974, 24 January 1979 and 4 February 1980 are unsigned. No meetings were held between June 1974 and January 1976

Comprises agendas and minutes for meetings held 7 December 1977 (minutes only), 24 January 1979 and 4 February 1980
Extent2 folders
AdminHistoryThe Committee was established in 1952 to advise the Academic Board and Council on all matters relating to the course and examination for the Art Teachers' Certificate.
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