
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/112
TitleWorking Party on Confidential Reference Forms for Graduates and Joint Working Party on First Appointments
DescriptionComprises draft and final report of the Joint Working Party on First Appointments of the BEd, minutes of meetings, and correspondence with the Association of Education Committees.
Notes and agenda of the meeting of the Committee of Principals Working Party on Confidential Reference Form for Graduates held on 8 May 1972
Notes of a meeting of the Working Party of the Academic Board: Comparability of Standards
Report of the joint planning committee on the BEd degree - established to advise the Institute Council and University of London Academic Council on the syllabuses and scheme of examination for the BEd degree; to consider in more general terms and advise the two councils on the method of implementing the proposals for degree and the new Faculty and to advise on the machinery by which various committees and Boards of Studies will be made responsible for advising the Senate
Extent2 folders
AdminHistoryThe Joint Working Part on First Appointments of BEd Candidates was appointed by the Committee of Principals, Academic Board and Standing Working Party of LEAs to investigate the problems concerning the first appointments of BEd candidates, the timing of the Certificate in Education examination and the related issue of teaching practice. Membership comprised representatives from the Academic Board, the Committee of Principals and the Standing Working Party of Local Education Authorities.
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