
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/134
TitleWorking Party on Reform of Courses and Structure
DescriptionCorrespondence and papers regarding changes to courses and the structure of courses after the changes to the validation process (from the Institute to the University of London) after the publication of the James Report. Papers mainly relate to the work of the working pary on reform of courses and structures established by the Committee of Principals, including draft statements, final report and notes of meetings
Minutes of meetings, correspondence and papers regarding the work of the group

Also includes a small amount of papers on examinations of BEd and Certificate, being part of the work of the working party on Assessment for the Certificate of Education
Extent1 folder
AdminHistoryThe working party was established by the Committee of Principals to discuss the short and long term objectives regarding the need to improve the relationship of the colleges of education with to universities and other institutions of higher education, the teaching profession and local authorities. Six meetings were held during 1972. The working party's recommendations were considered by the Joint Working Party on the Structure of Initial Courses (see IE/2/ATO/135)
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