
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/136
TitleWorking Party on Curriculum Courses
DescriptionFile comprises agenda, papers and report of the Working Party on Curriculum Courses held 20 January 1972 (agenda and papers only) 8 February 1972 (agenda only), 8 March 1972 (agenda only), 24 April 1972 (agenda only), 18 May 1972, 16 March 1973,
Report of the working party March 1973
Papers on the structure of courses across the colleges
Internal correspondence and a small amount of correspondence from the colleges
Extent1 folder
AdminHistoryAt the meeting of the Academic Board held 9 November 1971 a working party was set up to consider the basic issues involved in the role of curriculum courses in initial training and to recommend on the most appropriate form of machinery to carry out further investigation. the working party discussed the main problems that the colleges faced in terms of providing currciulum courses and ways in which the Central Institute could help. The subject was also discussed by Working Party Number 1 of the Teacher Training Enquiry (see IE/2/TTE)
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