StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
AdminHistory | The White Paper 'Education: a framework for expansion' led to the abolition of the Area Training Organisations. Validation of courses was to be carried out by the University or Council for National Academic Awards. Although some of the constituent colleges decided to seek validation through the CNAA, many sought to continue validation through the University. A new committee structure was established to replace the Academic Sub Committees (see IE/2/ABS) to validate the new Bachelor, BEd Honours and Diploma of Higher Education courses. There were to be two types of committees in this structure - Joint Degree Committees (responsible for determining combinations of courses for a degree as a whole - see IE/2/JDC) and Joint Subject Committees (responsible for determining combinations of courses in the areas of study with which they were concerned - see IE/2/JSC). Several Joint Interim Committees were in place between 1974 and 1976 to provide a link between the old and new committee system - see IE/2/JIC. The new courses were to start in 1975. In 1979 the University decided to withdraw from the validation process. Final entry to full time courses would take place in 1983, with the last examinations taking place in 1988. Validation work continued to be carried out by staff at the Intitute via a newly created Collegiate Division. |