StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/163
TitleMiscellaneous Collegiate Committee Papers - Correspondence
DescriptionComprises correspondence regarding the work of the Joint Degree Committees and Joint Subject Committees between:
Brian Holmes and C W Kilmister regarding discussions of the modifications of college courses by Joint Committee D
Dr Jennings of the Department of Physics, Birkbeck College and William Taylor, Director, regarding the computer coding of course units
Father Bierne, Principal of St Mary's College and William Taylor regarding recommendations by the Joint Committee in Education about Years 3 and 4 of the BEd programme
Professor Overend, Head of the department of Chemistry at Birkbeck College and William Taylor regarding students' results in Mathematics
Also includes internal memoranda about the policy of the newly created Joint Interim Committees
Extent1 folder
Related MaterialIE/2/JDC - Joint Degree Committees
IE/2/JCE - Joint Committee in Education
IE/2/JSC - Joint Subject Committees
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