
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/65
TitleJoint Working Party on Secondary Education
Agenda, paper and handwritten notes for the meeting held 28 November 1968
Notes of meetings held 19 May 1964, 8 July 1964, 18 November 1964, 29 January 1965, 12 March 1965, 17 May 1965, 30 June 1965, 18 October 1965, 18 October 1965, 26 January 1966,
Paper on 'The Role of the Teacher and the Content of Courses in Colleges of Education' with correspondence between members of the committee
Details regarding the Secondary / Further Education course held at Brighton College of Education (with correspondence)
Background papers on proposals
Extent1 folder
AdminHistoryThe Working Party considered the training of teachers for secondary schools with special reference to the recommendations of the Newsom Report. It was a joint working party of the Committee of Principals and the Academic Board.
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