
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/68
TitleJoint Committee on a First Degree in Education
Notes of meetings, interim statement, and final report of the joint committee on a first degree in education (25 October 1965).
Relevant papers from the Standing Committee in Education
'Some notes on the proposals regarding the BEd degree' by W R Niblett (dean)
Extent1 folder
AdminHistoryIn 1965 a joint committee on a first degree in education was constituted to consider the structure and general content of a first degree and any consequent modifications in the Teacher's Certificate course. It recommended the esablishment of an academic planning commmittee to take forward the planning for the BEd with particular responsibility for examining the proposed syllabus. Therefore a Joint Planning Committee on a First Degree in Education was established to advise the Academic Council and the Council of the Institute of Education on the syllabuses and schemes of examination for the BEd degree; and consider in more general terms and advise the two Councils on the method of implementing the proposals for the degree and the new Faculty, and to advise on the machinery by which various Committees and Boards of Studies would be made responsible for advising the Senate. The first meeting was held 28 January 1966.
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