StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/JPR/7
TitleJoint Professional Committee, Minutes and accompanying papers 5 November 1980
Date5 November 1980
DescriptionDiscussion includes entry to initial teacher training courses in England and Wales - DES circular 9/78; guidelines to associated institutions on the arrangements for recommending suitability for the teaching profession; future of the joint professional committee; students who do not complete the requirements for the award of the BEd Degree with honours - implications for qualified teacher status; assessment of practice i education 1979-80; reports of Board of Examiners in Education - sub board for professional studies; recommendations for the rationalisation of education course units for the BEd degree; conference on 'compulsory unit - the management of learning'; conference on 'The conduct and assessment of school practice'; nursery schools, assessment of teaching practice; conference on HMI report: 'Development in the BEd degree course - a study based on fifteen institutions'
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