
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/TTE/A/6
Title'Report of the Working Party on Graduate Initial Training'
DescriptionDivided into three main sections. Part A, dealt with 'Courses for the Graduate Certificate in Education for graduate intending to teach in secondary schools' and comprised sections on 'General outline of courses', 'The college-school relationship' and 'the content and structure of GCE courses'. Part B dealt with 'Other courses for graduate initial training' and comprised sections on 'Courses for graduates intending to teach in primary schools', 'The Goldsmiths' College postgraduate teacher's certificate; 'The Chelsea College (Centre for Science Education) course for the Graduate Certificate in Science Education'; 'The Music Teacher's Certificate', 'The Art Teacher's Certificate' and 'Concurrent courses'. Part C dealt with 'Wider proposals' and comprised sections on 'Proposals for two-year courses'; 'The probationary year', 'Proposals for other new courses' and 'Comparisons between colleges and university departments of education'. The report also included a 'Summary of recommendations' and 'A note of reservation by Mr. W.H. Burston'.
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