
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/BLD/5/1
TitleBedford Place - plans
Description'1 - 3 Bedford Place - basement plan', Drawing number: 0/11/B, 05/09/1992 (photocopy)
'1 - 3 Bedford Place - ground floor plans', Drawing number: 0/11/G, 06/09/1992 (photocopy)
'1 - 3 Bedford Place - first floor plans', Drawing number: 0/11/1, 07/09/1992 (photocopy)
'1 - 3 Bedford Place - second floor plans', Drawing number: 0/11/2, 07/09/1992 (photocopy)
'1 - 3 Bedford Place - third floor plan', Drawing number: 0/11/3, 07/09/1992 (photocopy)

Messrs Cluttons:
'Repairs and reinstatement to front wall and balcony', drawing no. 2699/4, 13/10/1976
'Remedial works to No3 Bedford Place', drawing no. 2699/2, August 1976
Extent1 folder, 2 loose plans
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