StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number MS MOCATTA/51
TitlePeri Hadash
Datepost 1670s
DescriptionManuscript of Peri Hadash by Hezekiah ben David da Silva.
Extent1 volume containing 280 folios
AdminHistoryBorn Livorno, 1659; studied under Samuel Kushta and Judah Sharaf; migrated to Jerusalem prior to 1679 and there studied under Moses ben Jonathan Galante; sent as an emissary of Jerusalem to Central and Western Europe; influenced the wealthy Jacob Pereira to found a yeshivah in Jerusalem, Bet Ya'akov, and was head of this yeshivah from 1692 until his death; inclined to leniency in his halakhic rulings; his 'Peri Hadash', which contains exceptionally trenchant criticisms of the rulings of Joseph Caro and earlier codifiers, caused a violent controversy in Egypt, where the rabbis even thought of excommunicating him but instead ordered the book to be suppressed; in the course of time many leading halakhists came to accept his rulings; he apparently wrote works on the Talmud according to the kabbalistic system of Isaac Luria , which were suppressed, the section of his Peri Hadash dealing with the laws of the Sabbath being inadvertently destroyed along with them; died 1695. Publications include: 'Peri Hadash' (1692-1730, also published in later editions of the 'Shulhan Arukh' together with the other standard commentaries); 'Mayim Hayim' (1730); novellae on Maimonides, and responsa.
CustodialHistoryFormerly held with other Jewish collections in the Mocatta Library of University College London.
AcquisitionTransferred from the Mocatta Library (subsequently the Jewish Studies Library) of University College London.
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
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