
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number NCV/3/1
Title"SCJO: Minutes of Conference"
DescriptionStanding Conference of Juvenile Organisations (SCJO), signed minutes (1936 Mar 24 - 1939 Nov 27), including:
- Formation of the SCJO, at a meeting of the 11 largest voluntary juvenile organisations, under the aegis of the National Council of Social Services (NCSS), (1936 Mar 24);
- 2 representatives of each of the 11 founder organisations appointed, and Captain Stanley Smith of the Boy's Brigade elected as Chairman, at the first meeting of the SCJO. Discussion of relationship between juvenile organisations and local educational authorities (1936 May 26);
- Copy letter of thanks from the SCJO to the retiring Comissioner for the Special Areas, Mr P. Malcolm Stewart (1936 Nov 16);
- SCJO statement to government ministers (later copied to The Times), welcoming the government's desire to promote the greater physical fitness of the nation, but also emphasising the need to foster mental and spiritual qualities in boys and girls, and asserting the importance of co-operative work between voluntary organisations and Education and Health Authorities to this end (1936 Nov 16);
- Draft form for a survey to show the extent of the juvenile organisations' work in the Special Areas (1936 Dec 14);
- Several draft memoranda on the planning and organisation of youth community centres, to supplement the report on "Youth Community Centres on New Housing Estates", published in 1935 by the Juvenile Organisations Committee of the Board of Education;
- Copy letter from Commissioner for the Special Areas regarding grant-aid to national organisations for adolescent welfare (1937 Mar 22);
- Consideration of names of persons submitted as suitable to serve as members of local committies of the National Advisory Council for Physical Training (1937 May 10);
- Chairmanship passes to Mrs Walter Elliot (1937 May 10);
- Letter from Chairman of West Sussex Convalescent Home for Adolescent Boys asking for the support and co-operation of the SCJO (1937 Jul);
- Copy letter received from the Institute of Industrial Psychology with regard to a proposed enquiry into certain aspects of the problem of leisure (1937 Oct 11);
- Discussion of recruitment and training for voluntary and social service work (1938 Feb 2);
- Discussion of correspondence regarding increasing costs incurred by juvenile organisations in connection with the government's National Fitness Campaign, increasing insurance costs and claims, and the danger of juvenile organisations bidding against one another for available London camp sites (1938 Apr 7);
- National Fitness Council for England and Wales memorandum on the constitution and work of local juvenile organisations committees (1938 May);
- Discussion of how the member organisations could offer most effective help to the government and nation in the "National Emergency" (1938 Sep 29);
- Discussion of the inadequacy of social facilities for young unemployed women in certain districts (1938 Oct 13);
- Intention of setting up a committee to consider questions affecting the voluntary movement in times of war (1938 Nov 24);
- Ongoing discussions about plans for youth community centres;
- Memorandum on the International Conference on Social Work (1939 Feb);
- Memorandum on the amendement of the law regarding probation embodied in the Criminal Justice Bill (1939 Feb);
- Report of sub-committee appointed to prepare draft definition of qualifications for membership of the SCJO, which recommends that membership be open to national juvenile organisations, formed for the primary purpose of assisting the mental, moral and physical training of youth for citizenship, which are non-political and have a membership of at least 10,000. Proposals adopted (1939 Feb 28);
- Discussion of government proposals with regard to camps, available for peace-time purposes and as evacuation camps in time of war (1939 Feb 28);
- Discussion of education in social hygiene for 14-23 year olds, and women's voluntary services for civil defence (1939 Mar 28);
- Discussion of the effect of raising school-leaving age (1939 Jun 30);
- Standing Conference on Recruitment and Training for Social Work, report of the Advisory Committee (1939 Jun 7);
- Appointment of Regional Commissioners for Civil Defence and discussion of survey into the war time problems of the welfare of juveniles (1939 Sep 4);
- Leaflet entitled "What is the British Youth Peace Assembly?" (1939 Sep);
- Decision to change the name of the Conference to "The Conference of National Juvenile Organisations" (1939 Oct 2), later amended to "The Standing Conference of National Juvenile Organisations" (SCNJO) (1939 Oct 23);
- Chairmanship passes to Mr A. W. Oyler (1939 Oct 9);
- Discussion of expense of "blacking-out" premises used by youth organisations (1939 Dec 11).
Extent1 oversize box
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