Description | Manuscripts and typescripts of George Orwell and related material, 1917-1959, including early unpublished material such as short stories, plays and poems; 'The Election Times' no 4, an Eton magazine, 1918; a poem 'Ode to field days' and Galley proof by Orwell from 'College Days', another Eton magazine, 1920; notes and narrative on population, health, employment, housing, miners in Wigan, Barnsley and Sheffield, 1935-1936; manuscripts and typescripts, including 'The road to Wigan pier', 1936, with map of Orwell's travels and newscuttings, 'Animal farm' [1943-1944], and 'Nineteen eighty-four' [1947-1949]; essays, including, 'George Orwell on Joseph Conrad', 1949, 'Evelyn Waugh' [1949], 'Such, such were the joys' [1946-1947], and 'British cookery', an essay with recipes [1945-1946]; articles, including 'George Gissing' [1948], 'Notes on the Spanish militias' [1938-1939], and 'Notes on Nationalism' [1945]. |