
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number PEARSON/11/1/18/120
TitleSoper, Herbert Edward
Description<p>Manuscript. About contingency frequencies, enclosing calculations; on the laws of chance; thanks Karl for inviting him on holiday with the Pearsons; on analysis of results of pigmentation in puppy litters; on seeking alternative war work than the Board of Trade work undertaken by Karl at UCL; on life in the Labour Corps of the British Expeditionary Force and lack of contact with the outside world; enclosing notes and equations on "Interpolation in two dimensions"; quadrics; on anthropology, whether his friend A Keith could borrow a copy of his book <i>A study of the long bones of the English skeleton</i>, and desire to visit Coldharbour; outlining problems and some solutions relating to work at the Galton Laboratory; on chances of extinction of surnames; letter of apology at his criticism of Karl on his departure from the laboratory; and wishing an end to antagonistic views between friends, created by opposing scientific views.</p>
<p>Also includes a letter to E M Elderton dated 1927 about feeling unable to accept invitation to the Galton Dinner.</p>
Extent19 letters
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
Related MaterialSee PEARSON/11/1/7/57, letter dated 23 November 1926 which enclosed Soper's letters of 9 and 11 November 1926.
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