StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number SIM/7/13
Title'A Life in Education' (3)
DescriptionScrapbook collated by Brian Simon of correspondence, articles and papers relating to the publication of Simon's autobiography 'A Life in Education' and other various subjects. Includes:
Letters of congratulations from Bill Etherington, David Farmer, Francis Cammaerts (including his own recollections)
Book reviews including by Clive Griggs and Paul Croll
Small amount of publicity material
Letter from Joyce Goodman, dated 3 March 1999, regarding Simon's book 'In Search of a Grandfather' and the Centre for Pedagogical Studies
Letter from Parvathi Krishnan, dated 31 March 1998, regarding the political climate in India and bomb attacks in Coimbatore
Letter from John Nisbet, dated 24 February 1999, regarding his work on education research from 1900-1925 in England, Scotland, Europe and Russia
Correspondence from Stephen Sedley
Letter from Michael Sanderson, dated 15 July 1999, regarding Simon's book 'In Search of a Grandfather'
Letter from Erasmus Darwin Barlow regarding Simon's Honorary Degree awarded by Warwick University
Interview with Eric Hobsbawm, printed in The Guardian 15 October 1994
Obituary for Dave Priscott, printed in the New Times, 4 March 1995
Correspondence with Professor Chengxu Wang, of the Hangzhou University, and Lawrence and Wishart regarding Professor Wang's plans to translate 'Studies in the History of Education'
Correspondence with Margot [Ewart] regarding the death of Gavin Ewart
Letter from David Hamilton, dated 1 March 1998, regarding his work for the Institutionen for Pedagogik at Umea University
'Ideals and Illusions in Cambridge of the Thirties' by Philip Harris, based on a talk given at the University of the Third Age, London, 2 December 1991
Extent1 volume
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