
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number STO/6/58
TitleCompany promotions
DescriptionCorrespondence between STOPP and various companies criticising promotional campaigns involving corporal punishment in schools including -
1. Kangol and Homes & Gardens magazine, regarding an advertisement for seat belts with the slogan 'To love 'em is to belt 'em'
2. A schoolwear display in a branch of British Home Stores
3. A promotion staged by Database Publications at a computer show entitled 'Masters of the Micro'

Also correspondence with-
4. A clown/entertainer regarding a part of her act that involves simulating corporal punishment
5. Spears Games regarding a 'Snakes and Ladders' board game
Extent1 folder
AccessStatusRestricted access
AccessConditionsAccess to this file is restricted. Please contact the archives for further information.
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