StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/B/4/11
Title'NUWT Branch Secretaries letters H (iv)'
Date1945 - 1952
DescriptionCircular letters, pamphlets and promotional material sent out by NUWT Headquarters to all branch secretaries.
Subjects covered in this include:
General administration regarding the running of the branches and of the NUWT
'To Be a Woman', the equal pay film made by Jill Craigie and sponsored by the NUWT and other organisations
Arrangements for annual conferences
Mutual Aid Fund
The Burnham Proposals
Equal pay and salaries
Equal opportunities for women teachers
Notices of NUWT enquiries and questionnaires into a variety of subjects including: Equal opportunities
Election campaign work - to determine views of candidates on equal pay and canvas for support for equal pay
Propaganda work, including equal pay campaign work and membership drives
Organisation for mass meetings and demonstrations
Festival of Britain
World Citizenship
Open Door International conference
Notice of conferences and events organised by the NUWT and by other organisations which Central Council think would interest branch members
Training of nursery school teachers
Fundraising and campaign activities
Annual subscriptions to the union
National Institute of Houseworkers
Post-war reconstruction and economic recovery
Nationality of Married Women Bill
Various NUWT handbills and pamphlets
Time-table for NUWT events for the upcoming year
Examples of Christmas card featuring a NUWT design which could be purchased by branches to sell to raise funds for the union. Also includes an example of the NUWT Valentine card which was sent out to MPs

Other publications:
United Nations World - the International magazine', May 1949
Extent2 folders

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