
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/11/19
Title'Nationality of Married Women - Pass the Bill Committee'
Date1930 - 1949
DescriptionAgendas and minutes of meetings of the 'Nationality of Married Women - Pass the Bill Committee' (NMW-PBC). The Committee was set up to call for amendments to the Nationality Bill in order to restore womens right to retain their British nationality on marriage to a foreigner.

The folders also contain correspondence between Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT), the NMW-PBC, the Women's Freedom League, the Six Point Group, and St Joans' Social and Political Alliance regarding:
Lists of signatories to a Memorial presented to the Prime Minister in 1930, calling for the bill to be passed
Drafts of the Memorial to be presented to the Prime Minister
Memoranda on 'The Nationality of the Married Women' presented to many individuals, conferences and in deputations to Members of Parliament including the Home Secretary, Herbert Samuel in 1932
Arrangements for deputations to the Home Secretary
NUWT Central Council meeting reports on meetings of the NMW-PBC
Tickets for, and invitation to, a 'Victory Dinner', organised to celebrate the passing of the British Nationality Act, 1948 which restored women's right to retain British nationality after marriage to a foreigner
NUWT support for, and help with, distributing literature of the NMW-PBC (the NUWT took responsibility for printing and distributing the minutes of the meetings of the NMW-PBC)
Enquiry from an NUWT member, married to a Southern Irish man, now widowed, regarding whether she should apply for British Citizenship in order to enquire she can claim her state and teacher's pensions
Drafts of amendments to the 'British Nationality and Status of Alliance Acts, 1914 - 1933'
NUWT representation on deputations organised by the Six Point group regarding calls to prevent British Dominions from ratifying the Hague Nationality Convention (which would remove women's right to retain her British nationality upon marriage to a foreigner)
Typed petition from the NMW-PBC, including typed list of signatories
NUWT affiliation to the NMW-PBC
Arrangements for a presentation to Miss F. Barry of the St Joans Social and Political Alliance for all her work on the NMW - PBC

'Eight Reasons why you should support the Nationality of Married Women Bill' and other leaflets produced by the NMW-PBC

Press cuttings regarding:
Amendments to Government Bills on British Nationality and Status of Aliens
Examples of cases of women who have been discriminated against as a result of the law determining their nationality upon marriage
Inequalities in the rights of men and women to decide their nationality
Reports of a British Dominions conference, 1944
'Women in Council Newsletter', published by the National Council of Women, June 1944 - contains section on Nationality of Married Women
'The Catholic Citizen - Organ of St Joan's Social and Political Alliance', 1944 - contains section on Nationality of Married Women

Publications including:
'British Nationality Bill', 1948
Parliamentary Debates, Hansard, Vol.156. No.90, 21 June 1948 - includes discussion of the British Nationality Bill
Parliamentary Debates, Hansard, Vol.155. No.73, 11 May 1948 - includes discussion of the British Nationality Bill
'The Nationality of Married Women', by Chrystal Macmillan, NMW-PBC

N.B. Ethel Froud was on the Executive Committee of this organisation
Extent5 folders

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