StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
Level | File |
Reference Number | UWT/D/11/20 |
Title | [Nationality of Married Women - Pass the Bill Committee] |
Date | 1930 - 1943 |
Description | Correspondence between Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT), the Nationality of Married Women - Pass the Bill Committee (NMW-PBC), the Women's Consultative Committee on Nationality, the Six Point Group, Equal Rights International, the Women's Guild of Empire, and the British Commonwealth League regarding a campaign to give British women the same right as men to choose their nationality upon marriage to someone from out with Britain.
The correspondence covers: Arrangements, agendas and minutes of meetings of the NMW-PBC (formed by the National Council of Women of Great Britain) NUWT letter sent to Members of Parliament asking them to support changes to the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Bill which would mean women would not automatically lose their nationality on marriage to someone who was British Reports of progress on the campaign to change the law NUWT support for, and help with, distributing literature of the NMW-PBC (the NUWT took responsibility for printing and distributing the minutes of the meetings of the NMW-PBC) Notice of fund-raising and awareness raising campaigns organised by the NMW-PBC Bulletins of the Women's Consultative Committee on Nationality created by the Council of the League of Nations Reports of meetings of the Women's Consultative Committee on Nationality Arrangements for deputations to Members of Parliament (MP) and reports of these deputations Joint action between various organisations calling for equality in the British Nationality Act Correspondence between Vera Brittain and Ethel Froud regarding NUWT representation in a deputation to John Clynes (MP) Pension position of women married to 'alien's who have lost British citizenship - particularly detailed correspondence on one women teaching for over 40 years, married to an Italian, yet unable to claim her British pension
Reports and publications: 'The Nationality of Married Women', by Chrystal Macmillan, NMW-PBC 'Collaboration of women in the work of League of Nations', issued by Dorothy E. Evans 'British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914 'Extract from a report by the Secretary General to the Assembly of the League of Nations on the Question of the Nationality of Women' 'League of Nations - Nationality of Women, Report by the First Committee to the Assembly', 1932 'League of Nations - Nationality of Women, Observations by the COmmittee of Representatives of Womens International Organisations', 1932 'Nationality of Married Women', International Woman Suffrage Alliance 'Status of Women in Great Britain and the Principal Differences of Law in the Dominions', edited by Dorothy Evans, Six Point Group, 1937
Press cuttings regarding: Reports on the work of the Women's Consultative Committee set up by the League of Nations Nationality of married women Reports of individual cases of women, who due to marrying an 'alien' were no longer entitled to the pension they had worked for
N.B. There is more material on the 'Nationality of Married Women' in UWT/D/119/1 N.B. Ethel Froud was on the Executive Committee of this organisation |
Extent | 3 folders |
AccessStatus | Open |
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