StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
Description | Leaflets, Pamphlets, Speeches, Reports and Publications about Peace and Disarmament, relating to international conferences, marches and political events around these matters. Also includes a few pamphlets about the effect of war films on children, the psychology of peace, women's role in ensuring peace, arms control, Austria before and after the Great War, promoting peace through World Education, the economy and the Means Test in Education.
Subjects include: 'Twenty-Third National Peace Congress, Oxford, 1933', National Peace Congress; 'The Total Pacifists', 'I. The Rebels in Spain', 'II. Gangster Peace', Ellen Horup; 'The Strategy of Peace: A Conference', 1930, National Council for Prevention of War;. 'Disarmarment and Unemployment', Women's International League; 'Patriotism Ltd: An Exposure of the War Machine', Union of Democratic Control, 1933; 'An International Force?', Ruth Fay, 1934; 'Pacifism and the Class War', National Peace Council, 1933; 'Co-operation for Security in International Life: A Call from the International Council of Women to the Women of the World', International Council of Women, 1925; 'New Wars for Old', Women's International League, 1934; 'War in the Air? The Attitude of the Governments', National Peace Council, c.1935-7; 'Revolt in the Churches against Armaments and War', No More War Movement, 1934; 'International Armed Force', National Peace Council, 1934; 'Conferences of the Teaching Profession Against War and Economies', c.1933; 'Appeal of the Committee of Initiative', International Congress of Unity, 1933; 'What Will You Do?', International Committee of the Teaching Profession Against Economies, Fascism and War, c.1933; 'National Conference of the Teaching Profession against War and Economies in preparation for a World Congress', c.1933; 'The League's Authority - War or Public Opinion', No More War Movement, 1929; 'The People's Voice: A Powerful Call for World Disarmarment', National Peace Council, c.1932; 'We Can Abolish War', National Peace Council, 1933; 'The Disarmarment Crisis: Level Up or Level Down', National Peace Council, 1932; 'The Woman Teacher', NUWT, 1933; 'The Woman Teacher', NUWT, 1940. 'Keep your Heads', Peace, 1933; 'Deputation from the Women's Advisory Council of the League of Nations Union on the Subject of Aerial Bombing for Police Purposes', Multiple Organisations, 1933; 'Meeting of Representatives of Women's Organisations with Miss Horsbrugh, MP, British Delegate to the 14th Assembly of the League of Nations', c.1933; 'World Peace Day: Outline of Scheme'; 'Real Cowards: A talk about the Disarmament Conference', No More War Movement; 'Japan and the next World War', The China Critic, 1931; 'Disarmament or Disaster?', No More War Movement, 1932; 'What Fighting Means', No More War Movement; 'Re-armament and the Trade-Unions', National Peace Council, 1937; 'A Call to Complete Disarmament', Society of Friends, 1934; 'The Cloud of Fear: A Call to Courage', National Peace Council, 1933; 'Woman's Outlook', 1932; 'Trade in Arms', National Peace Council, 1933; 'The Way of Love: A Practical World Policy', Religious Society of Friends, c.1935; 'The Secret International: Armament Firms at Work', Union of Democratic Control, 1932; 'The Dying Peace', New Statesman, c.1933-5; 'The Oxford Resolution', Friends' Peace Committee; 'Will Disarmament Increase Unemployment?', No More War Movement, 1931; 'King and Country', Friends' Peace Committee, 1933; 'The Fight - for Peace', Friends' Peace Committee, 1933. 'Wigan Peace Week', 1938.
Press cutting from Daily Herald, 15th August 1941 detailing the Atlantic Charter signed by Roosevelt and Churchill. Article on 'The Feeding of Children in Occupied Areas', reprinted from 'Women's International League Monthly News Sheet, March 1941'. Edition of Peace News, June 6, 1936. Press Cutting from the Star,entitled 'Cannon Fodder', 17th April 1934. 'An International Police Force', article reproduced from PEACE, comprising a discussion between W. Horsfall Carter and C. Delisle Burns. Press Cutting from 'The Woman Teacher', entitled 'Branch Reports'. Edition of 'The British Crusader', from November-December 1932. Press Cutting entitled 'Christ's Easter Triumph Challenge: Mass-Murder or Mineral Sanctions', by Rev. William Riley.
Correspondence between Rev. William Riley and Southend Times regarding World Peace and Military Disarmament. Correspondence addressed to Members of Parliament and 'The Editor' regarding resolution passed at a meeting of the Central Council of the NUWT condemning the Government's Defence proposals, 1935. Correspondence between Mr. George Lansbury, MP, and Viner Hall regarding Lansbury's trip to America with Dr. Alfred Salter on a Peace Campaign. Correspondence within NUWT regarding demonstration in 1934 at the Queen's Hall. Letter to the Co-Operative Union regarding calls for peace and disarmament. Letter to Parliament from Frank Roscoe regarding the economy. Letter from William Riley regarding peace in international affairs.
Posters, flyers and order forms: '118th Annual Meeting of International Peace Society, Thursday October 25th'. Order form for National Peace Council: New publications on The Trade In Arms Pamphlets'. 'The Arms Trade and World Peace Public Demonstration, Queen's Hall, 1934'. 'The National Council of Women of Great Britain; Mass Meeting, Central Hall, Westminster, 1934.' Order form for 'Frankenstein and His Monster' [book], Women's International League. Order form for 'New Wars for Old' [book], Women's International League, c.1934. 'Public Meeting: Empire Day and the Schools', Essex Hall, Strand, 1933, organised by the Teacher's Anti-War Movement. Peace Demonstration, Trafalgar Square, c.1933-4. Order Form for 'Peace: a Monthly Review of the Peace Movement'. Order form for '1934 Peace Year Book', PEACE. |