
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/24/36
Title'Questionnaire on Reorganisation 1935'
Date1935 - 1936
DescriptionCorrespondence between Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT), Alice A. Kenyon, numerous NUWT members and branches regarding responses to a questionnaire on reorganisation.
The correspondence covers:
Completed questionnaires detailing the impact of reorganisation on the schools in that particular Local Authority area
Letters of thanks from Central Council to branches and individual members who returned completed questionnaires
Cover letters sent by NUWT members with completed questionnaires explaining certain answers in more detail or why certain questions were not answered
Requests for copies of NUWT pamphlet 'Back to the Hadow Report'

List of branches who responded to the questionnaire
Extent1 folder

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