
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/27/57
Date1934 - 1951
DescriptionCorrespondence between Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT) and various organisations regarding a variety of issues around the subject of 'Fascism'. The correspondence also contains attached reports, publications and leaflets. The organisations with whom the NUWT correspondence are included below with information on the subjects discussed.

Subjects and organisations covered include:
Congress against War, Fascism and Imperialism - correspondence with the Women's Committee against War and Fascism regarding arrangements for the conference
Spanish Women's Committee for Help to Spain - notice of fundraising and awareness raising events
International Office for the Right of Asylum and Aid to Political Refugees - cover letter sent with a report of conference (report also includes - in French) on the subject of Czechoslovakian refugees, letter from the NUWT enclosing a donation to their funds and a bulletin detailing related events from around the world
Details of various conferences, meetings and events organised against fascism
International Committee for the Relief of Victimised Teachers - correspondence between the organisation, Nan McMillan (NUWT) and Ethel Froud regarding NUWT support for the Committee, NUWT support for various appeals, and representation at an International Conference for the Defence of Peace and Humanity
Incitement to Disaffection Bill
NUWT representation at a Conference for Academic Freedom
International Anti-Fascist Solidarity - correspondence with the National Council for Civil Liberties regarding NUWT representation and attendance at various conferences and meetings
Freedom of the press - correspondence with the National Union of Journalism regarding NUWT representation and attendance at various conferences and meetings
Joint Committee for the Defence of Democracy - NUWT Central Council meeting reports of meetings of the Joint Committee for the Defence of Democracy and NUWT representation at a conference on the Defence of Democracy
War preparation and democratic liberties
League for the Boycott of Aggressor Nations - leaflets calling for people to boycott goods from Germany, Italy and Japan
H.G. Wells and the Rights of Man - Declaration of Human Rights adopted at the Women's International League Conference and report from Miss E.F. Wills of attendance of the conference
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) ban on people who support the People's Convention
Government ban on 'The Daily Worker' having a war correspondence - correspondence with the Daily Worker Defence League asking for NUWT support
Letter from the British Union (of Fascists) explaining that they offer speakers on a variety of subjects about Union history and inviting the NUWT to appoint speakers from the British Union for any gaps in their programme of speakers

Publications and reports including:
'The Liquidation of the Nansen Office and the Problem of Political Refugees', International Information Agency, Paris, 1938
'Victimised Teachers', International Committee for the Relief of Vicitimised Teachers
'Academic Freedom of Speech'
'Suppression of Liberty in South Africa'
'Freedom of the Press and the Challenge of the Official Secrets Act'

Press cuttings regarding:
Reprisals against individuals opposing the fascist government of th country they live in
Academic freedom in Universities
Free speech and freedom of the press
Government decision to ban the 'Daily Worker' from having a war correspondent
Dismissal of individuals from the Civil Service in Britain, 1941
Extent2 folders

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