
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/32/7
Title[Royal Commission on the Civil Service]
Date1953 - 1954
DescriptionCorrespondence between the NUWT, the Treasury and the Royal Commission of the Civil Service regarding the Royal Commission on the Civil Service enquiry into rates of pay and working conditions.
This covers:
NUWT request to be allowed to submit evidence
Statement submitted by the NUWT to the Royal Commission
Statement of Evidence from the Council of Women Civil Servants for the Royal Commission
Terms of reference of the Royal Commission
Equal pay for women civil servants

Press cuttings regarding:
Reports of calls for equal pay for women civil servants
Reports of the proposals of the Royal Commission
Reports of rejection of resolution on reintroduction of the marriage bar at the conference of the Civil Service Clerical Association
NUWT calls for equal pay
Extent1 folder

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