
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/35/19
Title'Sir Ernest Graham-Little'
Date1948 - 1950
DescriptionCorrespondence between A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT General Secretary) and Sir Ernest Graham-Little (Member of Parliament) regarding educational matters and his support for NUWT policies.
This includes:
Concerns over the growth in the number of unqualified teachers
Explanation from the NUWT regarding statistics of teachers who have taken the Emergency Training College course
Requests from the NUWT that Sir Graham-Little ask questions in the House of Commons regarding available statistics on success of Emergency Training Courses for teachers
Copies of the questions the NUWT would like Sir Graham-Little to ask the Minister of Education
Copies of the replies from George Tomlinson, Minister of Education, to questions relating to inequalities in education
Letter of sympathy from the NUWT to Lady Graham-Little on the death of her husband
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