
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/41/19
Title'London School of Economics - expelled students and Reinstatement Committee'
Date1930 - 1943
DescriptionCorrespondence between A. Muriel PIerotti (NUWT), NUWT members including Miss C. Fisher, Agnes Dawson, and D. A. Griffin, and the National Reinstatement Committee regarding the case of six students expelled from the London School of Economics (LSE) over the distribution of a left-wing publication 'Vanguard'. The correspondence covers:
Discussions over whether the NUWT should support a student demonstration at London School of Economics
NUWT representation on the Reinstatement Committee
Lists of individuals and organisations calling for the reinstatement of the students

Press cuttings regarding:
Reports of the demonstration calling for the reinstatement of the expelled students
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