Description | Correspondence between NUWT and Ministry of Education, Board of Education regarding deputation and school meals. 'Education and the Social Services' NUWT letter to Ministry of Education, 1946 A letter from Medical Branch of Ministry of Education to NUWT informing of shortage of glass bottles for distributing a milk to the schools. Includes list of effected districts. Board of Education regulations and correspondence 'Extraneous Duties of the Teachers' Board of Education to Local Education Authorities, Administrative Memorandum no. 336, Dec 1941 NUWT Annual Conference Resolutions on Supervision of Meals, c. 1938 Miss Ellen Wilkinson's, Minister of Education, speech on school meals, 1946 Report of Conference for Organisers of School Meal, 1940's 'Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Pupils Receiving School Meals and Milk under the Milk in Schools Scheme in the Area of each Local Education Authority in London and Wales' issued by Board of Education, 1942 Statistical report on 'School Meals and Milk - 1946. Number of pupils taking dinners and milk in Primary and Secondary Schools (excluding Special and Direct Grant Schools) with percentages based on the number of children present on the day of the return' issued by Ministry of education. Letter from Ministry of Labour to all Local Education Authorities regarding 'Provision of Milk at Courses of Instruction for Unemployed Boys and Girls', Nov. 1934 'Scheme for the Supply of Milk in Schools in England and Wales at Reduced Rates' Oct. 1934
Leaflets of Statutory Instruments, rules and orders:
'Education, England and Wales. The Provision of Milk and Meals Amending Regulations', No. 1320, Aug 1956 'Education, England and Wales. The Milk and Meal (Amending) Regulations', No. 575, Apr 1956 'Education, England and Wales. The Milk and Meal (Amending) Regulations No.2', No. 320, Feb 1955 'Education, England and Wales. The Milk and Meal (Amending) Regulations', No. 910, Jul 1954 'Education, England and Wales. The Milk and Meal (Amending) Regulations', No. 340, Mar 1951 'Education, England and Wales. The Milk and Meal (Amending) Regulations', No. 2280, 1949 'Education, England and Wales. Provision of Free Milk', No. 1293, Jul 1946 'Education, England and Wales. Handicapped Pupils and School Health Service Amending Regulations No. 1, 1946', No. 1290, Jul 1946 'Education, England and Wales. Provision of Milk and Meals' No. 698, 1945
Circulars from Ministry of Education to Local Education Authorities:
'School Meals Service. Canteen Equipment', circular 267, 1953 'School Meals and Midday Supervision', circular 97, 1946 'School Meals Services. The Place of the School Milk and Meals Service in the National Policy for Assistance to Families' circular 96, 1946 'School Meals', circular 21, 1945 'The Care of Young Children of Women War Workers: A Vital Need' join circular from the ministry of Health and Board of Education, circular 2535 and 1573, 1941 'The School Meal Service', circular 308, 1956 'Milk in School Scheme', circular 302, 1956 'Milk in School Scheme: Non-Maintained Schools', circular 296, 1955 'School Meals Service. The Nutritional Standard of School Dinners', circular 290, 1955 'Milk in Schools Scheme', circular 278 'Prevention of Food Poisoning in School Canteens', circular 272, 1954 'School Meal Service. Grant in Respect of School Dinners', circular 203, 1949 'The Milk in School Scheme', circular 119, 1946 'Draft Provision of Milk and Meals Regulations', circular 34, 1945 'Orange Juice Jelly Containing Vitamin C. Allocation to School Canteens, Residential Schools and other Establishments for Children', circular 22, 1945 'Provision of Meals for Evacuated School Children', circular 2, 1944
Administrative Memorandums from Ministry of Education to Local Education Authorities:
'Dried Milk Powder. Allocation to School Canteens, Residential Schools and Hostels for Children (circular 1636 dated 16th August 1943)', no. 106 'Transport of School Meals. Ford Emergency Food Vans Trust', no. 74, 1945 'Milk in Schools Scheme. Flavoured Milk Tablets', no. 492, 1955 'Welfare Foods for School Children under Five', no. 483, 1954 'Milk-in-school Scheme. Distribution of National Dried milk', no. 472, 1954 'Milk in School Scheme. Arrangements for Supplying Milk to Schools not Maintained by a Local Education Authority (Including Independed Schools)', no. 469, 1954 'School Meals Service. Dried Skim Milk Supplies' no. 324, 1949 'The School Meals Service Building Programme', no. 263, 1948 'School Meal Service. Equipment Catalogue' no. 237, 1947 'School Meals Service. Statistical Return for June 1946', no. 183, 1946 'School Meal Service. The use of the School Canteen by the Teachers and Others', no. 70, 1945 'School Meals Transport', no. 24, 1945 'Equipment list and Estimates of the cost of Equipment', no. 467 and no. 468 (addendum), 1943
Administrative Memorandums from Board of Education to Local Education Authorities:
'The Training of Canteen Workers', no. 517, 1944 'The Milk in Schools Scheme. Full Cream Dried Milk', no. 506, 1944 'Milk in Schools Scheme. Evacuated Children in Public Elementary Schools', no. 489, 1943 'Vitamins and Iron Supplements for Children under 5 in Public Elementary and Nursery Schools', no.485, 1943 'Milk in School Schemes', no. 479, 1943 'The Milk in Schools Scheme. Provision of Drinking Straws', no. 452, 1943 'School Meals', no. 411, 1942 'School Canteens and Boarding Schools', no. 407, 1942 'School Meals. Sugar in Lieu of Preserves Allowance', no. 400, Jul 1942 'Preservation of Fruit by Schools', no. 391, 1942 'Provision of Meals-Income Scales', no. 389, 1942 'School Meals. Sugar in Lieu of Preserves Allowance', no. 387, May 1942 'School Meals. Supplementary Clothing Coupons', no. 381, 1942 'Milk for School Canteens', no. 363, 1942 'The Milk in School Scheme', no. 359, 1942 'Co-operative Preservation of Garden Fruit', no. 309, 1941 'Allowance of Jam and other Preserves for School Canteens and Boarding Schools', no. 308, 1941 'Provision for Emergency Cooking in School Canteens', no. 303, 1941 'Allowance of Cheese for School Canteens', no. 302, 1941 'School Canteens', no. 299, 1941 'School Meals', no. 267, 1940 'Sugar Supplies', note amending administrative memorandum no. 209, 1940 'Milk in Schools Scheme', no. 191, 1939 'School Meals. Extension of Points Rationing', no. 357, 1942 'The Milk in Schools Scheme. Full Cream Dried Milk', no. 349, 1942 'Supply of Dried Fruits for School Canteens', no. 343, 1942 Equipment for School Canteens', no. 342(1), 1942 'School Meals. The Use of Cooking Depots for Supplying School Meals', no. 331, 1941 'School Meals. Provision of Uncooked Midday Meals at School Having no Cooking Facilities', no. 330, 1941 'Equipment for School Canteens', no. 329, 1941 'Canteen Facilities for Youth Clubs and Centres. National Milk-Cocoa', (no. 328, 1941) addendum no.4, 1944 'Canteen Facilities for Youth Clubs and Centres', (no. 328, 1941), addendum no.5, 1944 'Supplies of Food for School Canteens', no. 323, 1941 'Supplies of Food for School Canteens', no. 320, 1941 'Equipment for School Canteens', no. 319, 1941
School Meal Service Memorandums from Ministry of Education to Local Education Authorities:
'School Meal Service. Potatoes', no. 25 (addendum no.1), Jun 1956 'School Meal Service. Shortage of Potatoes and Green Vegetables' no. 25, Apr 1956 'School Meal Service. Fuel Cost', no. 24, 1956 'School Meal Service. Capacity of Boiling Pans', no. 23, 1954 'School Meal Service. Meat Supplies', no. 22 (addendum no.2), Jan 1955 'School Meal Service. De-control of Meat Supplies', no. 22 (addendum no. 1), Nov 1954 'School Meals Service. De-control of Meat Supplies', no. 22, Jun 1954 'School Meal Service. Dried Milk for School Canteens (supplies)', no. 21 (addendum no.1), Apr 1954 'School Meal Service. Dried Milk for School Canteens (supplies)', no. 21, Mar 1954 'School Meal Service. Equipment Catalogue 1952', no. 16, 1953 'School Meals Service. Dried Skim Milk Supplies', no. 9, 1950 'School Meals Service. Food Cost', no. 8, 1950 'School Meals Service. Change of Supplier of Commodities Covered by Unit Vouchers', no. 7, 1950 'Preservation of Fruit by Schools', no. 6, 1950 'School Meals Service. Disposal of Swill from School Kitchens and Canteens', no. 5, 1950
Circulars from Board of Education to Local Education Authorities:
'Provision of Meals for Evacuated Adults and Children', circular 1658, 1944 'School Meals. The Operation of Emergency Cooking Depots', circular 1637, 1943 'Dried Separated Milk. Allocation to School Canteens, Residential Schools and Hostels for Children', circular 1636 'Staff for the School Meals Service'. Circular 1631, 1943 Corrigendum, circular 1631, Jun 1943 'Meals in Direct Grant Secondary Schools', circular 1617, 1943 'The Training of Canteen Workers', circular 1613, 1942 'School Meals', circular 1612, 1942 'School Meals. Use of Raw Vegetables', circular 1594, 1942 'School Meals. Specimen Dietary for School Dinners', circular 1584, 1942 'School Meals. Assistance from the National Federation of Women's Institutes and the Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence', circular 1583, 1942 'School Meals. Arrangement for the Supply of Food', circular 1571, 1941 'The Milk in School Scheme. The Handling of Bulk Supplies in the Schools', circular 1569, 1941 'The Milk in School Scheme', circular 1565, 1941 'Supplies of Liquid Milk for Schools and School Canteens under the Milk Supply Scheme', circular 1564, 1941 'Allocation of Dried Separated Milk to School Canteens, Residential Schools and Hostels for Children', circular 1561, 1941 'School Milk', circular 1548, 1941 'The Provision of Meals and Milk for School Children in War-Time', circular 1520, 1940 'The Provision of Meals for Children Attending Public Elementary Schools', circular 1443, 1935 'Provision of Milk for School Children', circular 1438, 1934 'Provision of Milk for School Children', circular 1437, 1934
Pamphlets and leaflets: Milk in Schools Scheme School Meals Memorandum no. 19 'Family or Table Service Dining' issued by Ministry of Education, 1953 Ministry of Education School Meals Service Equipment Catalogue, 1952 'Canteens in Youth Clubs' issued by Ministry of Education, 1945 Revised arrangements from Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, under milk acts 1934 to 1938, to supply milk in schools at reduced rates, 1939