
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/7/26
Title[Quota training and supply of teachers]
DescriptionCorrespondence between the NUWT and the Board of Education regarding qualification for admission to teacher training colleges and introduction of a quota system regarding employment of women teachers.
This covers:
Arrangements for a deputation from the NUWT
Explanation from the Board of Education sent to the NUWT regarding qualification needed for entry to training colleges
Outline of NUWT concerns over inequalities arising out of the quota system limiting the number of women teachers that can be employed in any given area
NUWT statement issued in response to Board of Education circular 'Supply and Employment of Teachers for Primary and Secondary Schools'

Various Ministry of Education circulars regarding supply and employment of teachers

Press cuttings regarding:
Raising of the school leaving age
Quota system of women teachers
Extent1 folder

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