
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/F/48/1
Title[NUWT Essex County Association records]
Date1928 - 1960
DescriptionCorrespondence between Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (General Secretaries NUWT) and members of the Essex County Association including Miss A. L. Cobley and Miss C. S. Cooper regarding the organisation and management of the County Association.
The correspondence covers:
Discussion of problems with maintaining the County Association, 1960
Notice of the death of Miss Patmore, 1958
Subscriptions to 'The Woman Teacher'
Notice of the death of Miss Horrocks, 1958
Membership applications and renewals
Changes to the subscription fee to the County Association
Requests for NUWT literature
Discussion of the i mplementation of equal pay for women teachers through implements
Membership drives for the NUWT in Essex County
Requests for visits from a NUWT Organiser
Arrangements, agendas and reports of County Association meetings
Notification of changes of address
Equal Pay postcard drawn by one of the members and sent to their Member of Parliament as part of equal pay campaign
Reports of branch meetings (of branches which are part of Essex County Association)
Update of news from individual members, for example news on illness in their family, retirement from the teaching profession, resignation from the union, and other changes of circumstances
Letter of thanks from Muriel Pierotti to Miss G. M. McDonald for the petition she sent, complimenting her on her workmanship, and saying that she hopes to get a photograph of the one that will be presented whilst the other one will go in the archive
List of members of Essex County Association, 1953, Essex unattached members, 1948 and Ilford members, 1949
Enquiry regarding any arrangements for NUWT members to get trade discounts (this scheme was discontinued during World War II)
Communication between the various branches of the County Association
Enquiries regarding borrowing money from the Mutual Aid Fund for house purchases
Letters sent to members retiring from the teaching profession, wishing them well and encouraging them to retain association with the NUWT
Policy of Dagenham Education Office with regards to employment of supply teachers
Enquiries and advice regarding National Insurance contributions
Circular letter from the General Secretary to South End branch members discussing decision to disband the branch
Reports of equal pay campaign activities undertaken by members of the County Association
Expressions of thanks from the General Secretary to those undertaking posts for the branch and those retiring from posts in the branch
Difficulties in running the County Association due to dispersal of members through evacuation, 1942
NUWT representation on Essex County Council
Lifting of the marriage bar in Essex County Council, 1939
Requests for additional funds from Headquarters to pay for speakers for branch and county meetings
Circular letter sent to women teachers in Essex by the NUWT County Association regarding mixed schools and amalgamations of departments (there are various drafts of this letter)
Circular letters sent out by the County Association inviting members and non-member teachers to meetings
Request for Central Council members to come and speak at County Association meetings
Enquiry regarding how long a teacher has to be a member before they can apply for help from the Legal and Tenure Committee
Organisers reports detailing visits to various schools in the Essex area and reporting on the reactions of women teachers to the NUWT
Reports of visits from NUWT Organisers and Central Council members detailing how they felt the branch was being run

Press clippings regarding:
Equal pay
Report of Essex County Association meeting addressed by Mrs Corbett Ashby on 'Women and World Affairs' (there is also a handbill advertising this meeting)
'Essex Education', Volume 6, July 1952
Extent4 folders

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