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Description | Minute book for the London branch of the NUWT.
Meeting on July 14, 1932
Members present: Misses - Coleman (Chairman) Isaac Turner Boniwell Coombs Sherard (Mrs.) (Secretary)
Co-opted members: Misses - Bayon Wright Titlebaum Hancock O'Donogue
Topics discussed: The National Consultative Committee, film censor, and abolishment of the "local option" Recommended age guidelines for children attending films Adults/accredited teachers attending childrens' performances
Meeting on Monday, August 29, 1932
Members present: Coombs (Miss) Sherard (Mrs.)
Topics discussed are not listed
No meeting was called on Monday, September 26, 1932
Meeting on February 9, 1933
Members present: Misses - Coombs Trotman (elected Chairman) Isaac Sherard (Mrs.) (Secretary)
Miss Turner was co-opted.
Topics discussed: Approaching Miss LeJeune, the Film Critic of the Observer, to give a talk Continuing to look into adults/accredited teachers attending childrens' performances
Meeting on March 28, 1933
Members present: Misses- Trotman Coleman Boniwell Turner Key (Mrs.) Sherard (Mrs.)
Miss Lockett, Educational Manager of British Instructional Films (BIF), spoke on topics including: Scheduling matinees for children Efforts to work with teachers to promote BIF and produce films for children Teachers being disinclined to promote commercial enterprise
Additional topics discussed: Miss LeJeune (film critic) declined to address their meetings Opinions on films for children, including the unpopularity of talkies with American children and children preferring to not see children in film Questions for whether the Union should back Saturday morning performances Organising morning performances locally or centrally Collaboration between teachers and the film industry Proposed slogan: "To make a movement rather than money." A cinema in every school (at the price of £100 for a projector)
Meeting on Thursday, May 18, 1933 (Special Session)
Members present: Misses - Trotman Isaac Turner Coombs
Topics discussed: Correspondence with Miss Lockett and the BFI proposing cooperation in arranging matinees and NUWT London Unit having a representative on the film selection committee Correspondence asking for proper basis for children's programmes - decided not to respond, too broad Correspondence preparing for a speaker for May 23, Mr. Grierson P.M.C. re: "King Kong," which the committee felt was "far too terrifying" for children Correspondence re: cooperating with Merseylide Film Association in working for children's shows
Meeting on May 23, 1933
Members present: Misses - Trotman Coombs Coleman Boniwell Sherard (Mrs.)
Mr. Grierson, Film Director of the Empire Marketing Board, spoke on topics including: Improving the production of children's films Integrating film in the classroom Use of films for vocational guidance Use of films in teaching health and hygiene, particularly introducing sound for these films The work of the Empire Marketing Board (600 productions/month, 75,000 audiences a year) Tensions between the goals of commercial film industry, the EMB, and educational film models Creating policy for theatrical film Saturday morning film showings Potential closure of the EMB due to government economising measures
The committee agreed to propose a resolution against the closure of the EMB and to approach J.W. Brown, Secretary of the Film Institute re: admission to children's films
Meeting on June 27, 1933
Members present included the LDFC and LU Cinema Committee
Mr. Cameron, spoke on topics including: Use of film for education in Oxford, giving written work afterward Durability of children's impressions after film The educational impact/potential of the public cinema Constructive use of cinema as a teaching medium in schools and broader education Teachers attendance at cinemas Film as art; "good art" being suitable for children Teacher involvement in censorship and film production Quality film production for schools Supply of education films -- establishing a mechanism through a National Film Institute A National Film Institute being founded with representatives from industry, education and the general public "Sight and Sound" a publication of the film industry Proposed institute will advice on film/social initiatives
Additional topics discussed included: A "Bethnal Green Experiment" in which it seems the committee would work with Mr. Grierson, the BIF, and others to show films Following the EMB; press seemed promising it would not be shut down Visits to schools to asses their film equipment and showing of films
The back of the book includes addresses for the members of the Film Subcommittee and expenses for stamps and correspondence.
The Organisation and Social Committee began using this book a few pages later.
Meeting held Feburary 26, 1949?
Members present: Misses- N.N. Turner (Chairman) Bristow Archer Edwards Benton (Mrs.)
Topics discussed: London Unit Committee meeting on April 15 Report on the Annual General Conference in Brighton (which seems to have been in 1948)
From the back of the book:
Organisation and Social Committee Meeting held March 10, 1953
Members present: Misses Boga Hill Mortimer (?) Benton (Mrs.)
Topics discussed: New members Raising money, hosting a musical evening
Meeting held July 7, 1953
Members present: Misses- Turner Sirdy (?) Hill Mortimer Benton
Topics discussed: Arranding a musical evening
Meeting held Tuesday, June 28 - no year is given, but the 28th fell on a Tuesday in 1955
Members present: Misses- Mortimer (?)
Topics discussed: The Social Activities and Funds of the Union 21st Birthday; gathering donations and having a spring fair at headquarters
Next meeting was to be Tuesday, Sept. 13