
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number WEF/B/6/1/1
TitleThe New Era' Vol. 6 No. 22
DateApr 1925
DescriptionSpecial issue on 'How to reveal the meaning and purpose of life through the school curriculum'.
Reference: Duplicate exist in WEF/A/VII/299

- 'The Outlook Tower' (notes from the Editor) - No.22 (page 33)
- 'Spiritualising the Curriculum' by G.S. Arundale (Educational adviser to the State of Indore, Central India)
- 'Spiritual Values in the Teaching of English Literature' by Margaret L. Lee, Wychwood School for Girls, Oxford)
- 'The Spiritual Value of Hystory' by F.S. Marvin (author of 'The Living Past' and 'The Century of Hope')
- 'Reflections in an Art Room Window' by C. Fleming-Williams
- 'The Spiritual Significance of Mathematics' by Isabel B. King (Principal of St Christopher School, Letchworth,Herts.)
- 'The Spiritual Value of Geography' by E.K. Lynch
- 'Fear in Children' by Alice M. Hutchison (Physician, Hospital for Sick Children, Gt Ormond Street)
- 'Spiritual Values in Education - Science Teaching' by D. May
- 'Spiritual Values of Music in Education' by E. Twells
- 'Book Reviews' (The Child and His Problems by Dr Alice Hutchison; The Psychology of a Musical Prodigy by G. Revesz; The Psychology of Emotion-Morbid and Normal by J. T. MacCurdy)
- 'A Short Brief - Against Examinations as Measures of Ability' by Frank D. Slutz (Director, Moraine Park School, Dayton, Ohio)
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