
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number WEF/B/6/1/26
Title'The New Era incorporating World Studies Education Quarterly Bulletin' Vol. 52
DescriptionNos. 1-10;
Numbers 2, 5, 8 and 10 are split into World Studies Bulletin and The New Era.

- Number 1 - January 1971
- 'Aboriginal Family Education Centres - Part I' by A.Grey (Univiersity of Sydney)
- 'Creativeness in Education; The Contribution of David Jordan' by Professor Gerald T. Rimmington (Brandon University, Manitoba, Canada)
- 'Education and Sectarian Conflict in Northern Ireland' by Alan Robinson (Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln.
- 'World Education Fellowship Challenge' by K.G. Salyidain
- 'Montesori's Contribution to Modern Curriculum Research' by Paul Scheid
- 'ENEF-Inter-disciplinary working party on Counselling in Scholls' by Mrs E. Tyerman (National Marriage Guidance Council)
- 'Book Reviews'
- 'WEF - Scottish Section, Autumn Conference' by Peter Richardson
- 'Editorial Notes' by Elsie Fisher (Editor)
- 'Directory of Schools'

- Number 2 - February 1971
- WORLD STUDIES BULLETIN (pages 405-421)
- 'Editorial: World Community Heroes Competition' (Includes one picture of Lord Boyle of Handsworth, Daniel Jaussaud & Vera Wilson)
- 'The Necessity of Teaching World History' by Heinz Strotzka (Austrian teacher)
- 'What is World History? by C.G.V. Taylor (British teacher)
- 'World Studies and the Novel' (Citizen of Kakania: Dual Monarchy of Austria and Hungary)
- THE NEW ERA (pages 423-444)
- 'Editorial Notes' by Elsie Fisher (Editor)
- 'Aboriginal Family Education Centres - Part II' by A.Grey (Univiersity of Sydney)
- 'A Science Happening' by Dr Margaret O. Wason
- 'Moral Experience' by Donald G. Butler
- 'The Crisis in Morality - A Question of Conscience' by Catherine Fletcher
- 'A Questionable Theory' by Philip Crick (Garnett Colege of Education)
- 'Who's Who' (Dr Paul Scheid, Donald G. Butler)
- 'Day Conference on Home and School' by Alice Bellfield
- 'Directory of Schools'

- Number 3 - March 1971
- 'University of Sydney: Bernard Van Leer Foundation Action-Research Project' by Donald McLean
- 'How do children become prejudiced? What should we as teachers do about this?' by John Dwyfor Davies
- 'Parent Education in a Residential Setting' by John Taylor (London Borough of Hillingdon)
- 'Book Reviews'
- 'Directory of Schools'

- Number 4 - April 1971
- 'Co-operative Teaching - An Organizational Experiment' by Philip Hine (Victoria Park Junior School, Bristol)
- 'Structuring in Curriculum Reform' by Peter Prosser (Redland College, Bristol)
- 'A Cure for Lonelines' by Alec Wilding-White
- 'Who's Who' (Dr Franklin Parker, Peter Prosser, Alec Wilding-White)
- 'UNESCO's Aid to Teacher Education in Africa' by Franklin Parker
- 'Teacher Training for a World Perspective' by Edith W. King
- 'World Youth Talk Back' by Dr Helen C. Lahey (City University of New York)
- 'Pre-School Playgroups Association' (AGM & Conference Weekend 3rd and 4th April 1971, University of Keele, Newcastle)
- 'Book Reviews'
- 'Directory of Schools'

- Number 5 - May 1971
- WORLD STUDIES BULLETIN (pages 527-540)
- 'Editorial'
- 'The Concept of Europe' by Professor Sir Robert Birley
- 'European Studies in School' by James L. Henderson
- 'The Point and Prospect of the Conference - Some Thoughts on European Studies' by C.V. Russell
- THE NEW ERA (pages 423-444)
- 'Editorial Notes' by Elsie Fisher (Editor)
- 'Occupations Curriculum Center: Towards Relevance in Urban Education' by Walter A. Crocker (Wayne State University, Detroit,USA)
- 'Stowell's Trophy Exhibition at Suffolk Galleries' by Helen Tyler
- 'Teachers and Curriculum Development' by R. Derricott & G. Hall (University of Liverpool)
- 'Who's Who'
- 'Book Reviews'
- 'World Studies - An approach to Relevancy in Education' by Ulrich Bliesener (State Department of Public Instruction, Madison,Wisconsin,USA)
- 'The National Gypsy Education Council' (Chairman Lady Plowden)
- 'Directory of Schools'

- Number 6 - June 1971
- 'Aspects of Interprofessional Training; A Report by the Merseyside Interprofessional Working Party' by Anne Dufton (Ulster College,Belfast), Olive Keidan (University of Liverpool), Graham White (University of Liverpool).
- 'An Experiment in Teaching a Small Group' by Nora George (University of Hull)
- 'Vocational Guidance in Perspective. Notes on the ENEF Easter Conference' by Raymond King
- 'Teachers and Guidance - Diversification of Educational Roles' by Harold Pratt
- 'Book Reviews'
- 'Editorial Notes' by Elsie Fisher (Editor)
- 'Directory of Schools'

- Number 7 - July/Aug 1971 - Jubilee Number (50 Years)
- 'Comments and Encounters' from various contributors - 50 Years: a Jubilee
- 'An Essential Attitude' from Joseph Lauwerys (The Atlantic Institute of Education, Halifax, Nova Scotia)
- 'A New Synthesis' from Lionel Elvin (University of London)
- 'I wish them the luck that I had in 1946' from James Hemming (Member WWF)
- 'Prelude to a Centenary' from J.B. Annand
- 'A kinder juster world' from Peggy Volkov
- 'Fifty Years of the New Era; Prospects and Lessons' from Wyatt Rawson
- 'Union of like minds all over the World' from Yvonne Moyse
- 'First and Last' from Beatrice Ensor
- 'Editorial' from James L. Henderson (Chairman)
- 'Correspondence; Occupation Curriculum Centre - a comment' by R. Derricott (University of Liverpool)
- 'Who's Who' (Anne Duffon, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Ulster College, Northern Ireland
- 'Retrospect' Compiled by Anthony Weaver (articles from Beatrice Ensor, A.S. Neil, G. Bernard Shaw, Adolphe Ferriere, C.G. Jung, Martin Buber, Alfred Adler, Harold Rugg, Ovide Decroly, Paul Langevin).
- 'Book Reviews'
- 'Directory of Schools'

- Number 8 - Sept/Oct 1971
- WORLD STUDIES BULLETIN (pages 609-626)
- 'Editorial' from David Bolam (Editor, University of Keele, Staffs.)
- 'I. Universities, Colleges and Schools' (A Debutation to Lord James)
- 'II. Organisations; Education for Development'
- 'III. Publications: 'History for a United World' by E.H. Dance, 'The Impartial Soldier' by Michael Harbottle, 'World Population and Food' by Dr Collin Clark,
- 'IV. Theme: World Mindedness through History', 'Different Ancestors and a Different War' by John Magee
- THE NEW ERA (pages 627-656)
- 'Editorial Notes' by Elsie Fisher (Editor)
- 'Changes that face the pupil and some thoughts about his secondary education' by James Breese (Goldsmiths' College)
- 'Amherst Student Journals', collated by Samuel Everett (Prof. Emeritus, The City College of New York)
- 'Who's Who'
- 'Creative Writing in the Second Language Situation' by Michael Kelly (Ministry of Primary Education, BUEA West Cameroon)
- 'Book Reviews'
- 'Editor's Note'
- 'Directory of Schools'

- Number 9 - November 1971
- 'Introduction to reports from the Jubilee Congress' by Anthony Weaver (in English and French)
- 'Beatrice Ensor's Address'
- 'Examples of ways in which the ideas and principles of the WEF are emerging through official channels in Engalnd and Wales' by Elizabeth Adams
- 'Creative Educationn for Man and Mankind', resume of talk by Ron Russel (Canadian Section,WEF)
- 'Youth, the alternative to alienation' by James Hemming
- 'The School on the Styx' by James Henderson
- 'L'Evolution en Angletere des centres d'etudes secondaires' by Raymond King (article in French)
- 'Further Perspective on New Mathematics' by Theodore H. MacDonald (Monash University, Clayton, Victoria)
- 'Many are called but few are elected' by Philip Crick
- 'Work and the College Student or Cowboys from Brooklyn' by Chester S. Williams (Callison College, University of the Pacific) & Spero W. Theodore (ARAMCO Schools, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)
- 'Observations for Lord James', introduced by Raymond King
- 'Who's Who'
- 'Quiet - Children at Work' by Grace Stanistreet (Adelphi University, Long Island, New York)
- 'Ecounter Group Training for Young People: A Report of Research in Progress' by K. Roberts and G. White (University of Liverpool)
- 'Obituary Note: Professor Sumie Kobayashi - an educationist from Japan
- 'Editorial Notes' by Elsie Fisher (Editor)
- 'Directory of Schools'

- Number 10 - December 1971
- THE NEW ERA (pages 693-704 and 719-732)
- 'A Change of Editorship' (Elsie Fisher's retirement) by James Henderson, Chairman
- 'Why are some children lonely while others are not?' by John Dwyfor Davies
- 'Old Wine in New Bottles - an approach to Linguistics' by R.J.H. Matthews-Bresky
- 'Experience in Groups: An Analysis' by Keith Pople
- 'Book Reviews'
- 'Who's Who'
- 'Obituary: Professor Trevor Miller, Secretary of the Australian Council of WEF.
- 'The Role of the History Teacher in the Secondary School' by J.B. Thomas (Redland College, Bristol)
- 'Directory of Schools'
- WORLD STUDIES BULLETIN (pages 705-718)
- '1. The Hard Edge: Education for Survival' by
- '2. The Sensitive Index: What is History?'
- '3. World Learning Communities'
- '4. To Strengthen your hands: Books and Aids'
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