
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number COP/D
TitleCommittee records
DescriptionMinutes of meetings and supporting papers of the committees of the College of Preceptors, including finance committee, 1874-1966; examinations committee, 1885-1958; Education[al] committee, 1874-1919; Affiliation Committee, 1919-1920; special committees, 1885-1967; Executive Committee, 1931-1946; academic board, 1968-1981; Finance and General Purposes/Educational Times Committee, 1913-1980; House Committee, 1957-1964; Advisory Boards, 1955-1980; and Constitution Committee, 1979.
AccessStatusRestricted access
AccessConditionsOpen, subject to signature of Reader Application Form. All administrative records are closed for 50 years from the last date on the file.
Related MaterialMinutes of the Council and Committees of the College of Teachers can be found in series COP/L.
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