
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number E S PEARSON/2/1/1/2
TitleLectures on Probability
Description<p>Notes for Egon Pearson's early lectures on probability, including geometrical representation, inverse probability, expectation, and random happenings.</p>
<p>Accompanying the bundle was an explanatory note written by E S Pearson in 1971: "ESP's early lectures on probability. Irwin continued to lecture on probability until 1927(?). He had to go to Switzerland for his health. I think ESP then took over the probability course in autumn of 1927, and may have carried on with this in a very elementary fashion for two years (as attached shows?). KP still gave 1st and 2nd year statistics courses except that, after his cataract operation in the summer of 1926, I think ESP took the statistics courses for a while."</p>
Extent6 items
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
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