Description | Drafts of Hugh Gaitskell 's chapter 'Socialism and Nationalism (7, some in part only) Correspondence with David Worswick about his chapter on 'Economic Planning ..',including Hugh Gaitskell 's comments (6) 1953-1955 Cutting from the 'Daily Herald' about the leadership of the Tory Party 10 Jan 1956 Correspondence mostly concerning the publication of the 'Essays' Jan 1954-Jan 1955: CHESTER, D.N. (5) FERGUSON, Sir Donald (3) CLAY, Harold (British Road Services), enclosing a paper 'Road Haulage - Outlook for Tomorrow' by G.W.Quick Smith (5) RODGERS, W.T. (8) LEWIS, Prof Arthur, Hugh Gaitskell to. Includes Lewis' draft chapter 'Overseas Development' and Hugh Gaitskell ms comments (5) JENKINS, Roy (3) KALDOR, Nicholas Fabian Society (6) JAY, Douglas, Hugh Gaitskell to WORSWICK, David (4) KAHN, Prof Richard, Hugh Gaitskell to (2) BALOGH, Thomas (3) KAUFMAN, Gerald (2). |