Description | [?ASHTON], John (nephew), and nieces Felicity [Ashton] and Jane. Thank you letters. (John's has references to staying in the south of France with Mr Butler, and Churchill coming for lunch) (3) 1956<br> ASHTON, Hubert 1959 <br> STEWARD, Stanley, Lancashire Dynamo Holdings Ltd, concerning AG taking up a vacancy on the South Western Electricity Board (3) 1956<br> CLARK, Ronald, concerning an interview with Hugh Gaitskell 's brother and sister for an article for 'John Bull' (3) 1956<br> VASSALLI, Signora 1958 <br> GAITSKELL, Julia, 1958 <br> GAITSKELL, Tony, about meeting Hugh Gaitskell (2) 1956<br> MINISTRY OF PENSIONS AND NATIONAL INSURANCE about family allowance (7) 1957<br> HANNAFORD, Guy and others concerning Julia's visit to France and Italy. Includes a letter from Hugh Gaitskell to Julia, dated 20 Feb 1958, answering her questions about the manufacture of missiles, nuclear deterrents and attiudes towards Communist countries (21) 1958<br> GAITSKELL, Madeleine, Gaitskell family members, the Officers' Association and Trustees of Dresden Homes, concerning her settlement in Dresden House, Hove, and her expenses (23) 1958-1959<br> GAITSKELL, William, Bogota (2) 1959<br> GAITSKELL nanny, and Hugh Gaitskell to AG and Jane Ashton about contacting her (3) 1959<br> [?CRAWLEY] Randall, Patrick Crossman and Neil Skeffington, godsons. Thank you letters and a photograph of Randall (4) 1960, nd<br> VALENTINE STUBBS EMPIRE FACTORY, Royston, Yorks, concerning the supply of shirts. 2 local press cuttings enclosed (35) 1958-1961 ( A Valentine Stubbs Esq). Clipping from Barnsley Chronicle ( 20 May 1961 )<br> DOWNMAN, Claude Ridcout of British Columbia, AG and Violet Blessley (Downman's cousin) concerning their family relationship. It includes a photograph of Downman and a paper by him 'A Blueprint for World Peace' (8) 1961<br> BELL, Ella Alicia Scott, about her health and Hugh Gaitskell 's aunt Emmie and uncle Walter (3) 1962<br> ROGER, Elsie, appeal for a donation to All Saints Church, Featherstone, Yorks (3) 1961<br> Get well wishes. They include godson Randall and other children (5) 1963 <br> <br> See also F4(5) for papers about Italian holiday and Julie, 1958<br> Tandall Crawley, godson-see correspondence with Aidan Crawley P31 (3). <br> HOLMES, H E (1958)<br> SKELLY, Mrs (1958) <br>