Description | 'Eastern Daily Press': Gaitskell's speech at East Harling and Watton in support of John Stewart 12/1/55 'News Chronicle': row over the recording of a speech by Bevan criticising miners' leaders 21/2/55 'Times' cutting: Gaitskell speech at Doncaster on disloyalty among Labour MPs 14/3/55 'Woodworkers' Journal', containing 2 extracts from Gaitskell statements in the Commons 3/55 'Leeds Weekly Citizen': Gaitskell's Budget speech 29/4/55 'New Statesman and Nation', containing an article by R.H.S.Crossman on the Shadow Cabinet 25/6/55 'Times' cutting: article on Co-Partnership Schemes in Industry, with a reference to Gaitskell 28/6/55 Cutting (paper unidentified) on the Opposition motion demanding legislation on restrictive practices 5/7/55 'Times' cuttings on Butler's proposed measures to ease the economy 25-26/7/55 'New Statesman and Nation' 6/8/55 'News of the World' cuttings,sent by Sir Robert Boothby, of 3 articles by him on Britain's economic problems and his proposals for solving them (4) 9/55. |