
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number GAITSKELL/C/256/2
TitleCommon Market papers
Note on cotton textile imports [post 1959]
PLP paper by Harold Wilson 'Britain's Relations with Europe' 6/60
'Note on Agriculture', annotated by Gaitskell n.d.
Quotes by Conservatives on the Common Market 1956-1960 (2 copies, annotated) [post 1960]
LP note for the Finance and Economic Policy Sub-committee. Comments on 'Britain and Europe: A Draft Report' 6/61
LP Research Department Background Papers, annotated, with many duplicates 7/61
'The Common Market' (2 copies)
'The Political Implications of the Rome Treaty' (3 copies)
'Commonwealth Economic Interests' (2 copies)
'The Common Market and British Agriculture' (3 copies)
Statement by the Prime Minister on the Government's policy towards the EEC, annotated 7/61
LP Research Department 'Notes of the Week' (4) (not together - in their chronological sequence) 10/61 - 4/62
Statement by Edward Heath regarding Britain's negotiations 27/11/61
LP Home Policy Committee and Sub-Committee progress reports, and papers 'The Common Market and the Commonwealth' and 'Planning and the Common Market' (4) (not together - in chronological sequence) 1-5/62
PLP memorandum 'The Legal Implications of the Rome Treaty' by Sir Frank Soskice (2 copies) n.d.
Paper by Denis Healey 'The Common Market and the Coloured Community' n.d.
Leaflet 'A straightforward explanation why we should keep out of the Common Market', sent with a note by Leo Russell 5/12
LP 'Note on Voting Formulae under Treaty of Rome' 6/62
Text of a party political broadcast by the Conservative and Unionist Party 'Britain and Europe' 20/6/62
Reprints of articles from the 'Bulletin for Industry' (12/61 - 4/62) on 'Britain and Western Europe' (2 copies) post 4/62
LP research note 'Commonwealth and Common Market. Notes on the Outline Agreement' (3 copies) 8/62
LP note 'Statements made by Mr Heath to Parliament on the Progress of the Common Market Negotiations' (2 copies) 8/62
LP press release of a speech by Douglas Jay at Aylesbury 20/9/62
Gaitskell ms notes (2ff)
Typed notes on imports and exports (5) [1961-62]
Statement by the NEC 'Labour and the Common Market', annotated drafts and final printed copy (9) 9/62
LP press release, statement by British and overseas Commonwealth Labour leaders 8/9/62 (another copy P167B)
Meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, final Communique (2 copies) and quotes from newspapers 19/9/62
Quotes from 'Hansard' on the Brussels negotiations (5-7/62)
Typed annotated notes (with duplicates) from the LP Research Department, on the Commonwealth, EFTA and Agriculture [?10-11/62]
LP research note 'Common Market and British Agriculture' 10/62
Memorandum on Safeguards for Agriculture in the Common Market Negotiations, by 'J.M.', annotated 10/62
Statement by Edward Heath in the Commons on negotiations with the European communities, annotated (2 copies) 22/11/62
LP paper by Prof J.E.Meade 'The Common Market. Is there any alternative?' 11/62
Letters from Peter Shore, enclosing notes on the Brussels negotiations. Also Gaitskell ms notes (3ff) 11-12/62
Typed notes for a closing speech on the Common Market debate, annotated [?11/62]
Gaitskell ms notes for the Common Market debate (26ff) and typed extracts from the press and 'Hansard' (5ff) 11/62
LP Study Group on Land Problems. Agenda and papers 6/62
Extent1 folder
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
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