Description | Only extensive correspondence and other enclosed material are itemised.<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 1: Jan-Apr 1962, includes Duncan Sandys' speech for the Indian Journalists' Association Dinner, posters advertising the Society of Labour Lawyers meeting addressed by Gaitskell, March 1962, and Parliamentary Press Gallery Annual Dinner Menu, April 1962<br> ROBINSON, Brian (photographer), enclosing photographs of Gaitskell at the Leeds Junior Chamber of Commerce Dinner<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 2: May-Jun 1962, including Freedom From Hunger Campaign publicity material, a leaflet entitled 'The London County Council - Why Destroy It?'<br> MANN, Colin (Chair, Institute of Public Relations), enclosing photograph of Gaitskell and DG<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 3: Jul-Oct 1962, including introductory booklet about The Royal Society with related offprints from 'Discovery', and 'Endeavour'<br> ENNALS, D (International Department), enclosing briefing notes for Gaitskell's United Nations Association address
Folder 4: Nov-Dec 1962, including some correspondence from Cressida Gaitskell<br> COOPER, J (National Union of General and Municipal Workers). enclosing the programme of the One week course for Prospective Members of Parliament<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 5: East Midlands visit, January 1962, including itinerary, and brochure for the Loughborough College of Technology<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 6: Leamington and Cambridge visit, February 1962<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 7: Leeds and Salford, March 1962, includes itinerary, souvenir booklets from the opening of the Lower Kersal Housing Estate, Salford and Kersal Centre clinic<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 8: Twyford School, Acton, March 1962, includes Speech Day booklet, and press clippings<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 9: Yorkshire Regional Tour, Hull, March 1962, includes itineraries, 5 photographs of Gaitskell, Port of Hull brochure<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 10: Oxford visit, March 1962, includes itinerary, poster advertising the Oxford Union Farewell Debate<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 11: Northern region visit, March 1962, includes itinerary, and two copies of the North-Western Evening Mail<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 12: Aldershot and Wealdstone, April 1962, includes itinerary<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 13: Fulham 'pre-election' workers' rally, April 1962<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 14: June Dairy Festival, City of London, includes photographs of Gaitskell, publicity and briefing material and drafts of Gaitskell's speech<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 15: Scarborough visit, May 1962, includes tourist brochure<br> <br></br><p>
Folder 16: Imperial Chemicals Industries (ICI) Central Council Meeting, Scarborough, May 1962, includes Agendas, Chair's Address to Council and Works Council Scheme booklet<br> ALBU, Austen (House of Commons), enclosing briefing materials for I.C.I Shop Stewards<br> |