
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number GAITSKELL/G/1-46
TitleGovernment publications, Acts and Bills
DescriptionGAITSKELL/1 'Great Britain and the European Crisis'. Correspondence and statements in Parliament 1914
GAITSKELL/G2 'Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Bill' 1927
GAITSKELL/G3 'Public Social Services. Total Expenditure under Certain Acts of Parliament' 1927
GAITSKELL/G4 'Proposals for Reform in Local Government and in the Financial Relations between the Exchequer and Local Authorities' (Ministry of Health) (2 copies) 1928
GAITSKELL/G5 'Local Government Bill, 1928. Explanatory Memorandum on the Provisions of the Bill' (Ministry of Health) 1928
GAITSKELL/G6 'Local Government Bill' 1928
GAITSKELL/G7 'Rating and Valuation (Apportionment Bill)' 1928
GAITSKELL/G8 'Summary of Unemployment Insurance Acts 1920-1927' (Minister of Labour) 1928
GAITSKELL/G9 'Second Report of the Guardians appointed to constitute the Board of Guardians for the Bedwelty Union' (Minister of Health) 1928
GAITSKELL/G10 'Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Bill' 1929
GAITSKELL/G11 'Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Bill. Explanatory Memorandum' (Minister of Health) 1929
GAITSKELL/G12 'Summary of the Provisions of the National Health Insurance Acts 1924 to 1928' 1929
GAITSKELL/G13 'Unemployed persons in receipt of Domiciliary Poor-Law Relief in England and Wales during the week ending 15th June, 1929' (Ministry of Health) 1929
GAITSKELL/G14 'Report of the Committee on Procedure and Evidence for the Determination of Claims for Unemployment Insurance Benefit' (Minister of Labour) 1929
GAITSKELL/G15 'Unemployment Insurance Bill, 1929. Explanatory Memorandum' (Minister of Labour) 1929
GAITSKELL/G16 'Works Councils (No 2) Bill' 1930
GAITSKELL/G17 'Consumers' Council Bill' 1930
GAITSKELL/G18 'Education Bill' 1930
GAITSKELL/G19 'Coal Mines Bill' 1930
GAITSKELL/G20 'Trade Disputes and Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill' 1930
GAITSKELL/G21 'Committee on the Cotton Industry Report' (Economic Advisory Council) 1930
GAITSKELL/G22 'Poor Law Report of a Special Inquiry into various forms of test work' (Minister of Health) 1930
GAITSKELL/G23 'Poor Law Act' 1930
GAITSKELL/G24 'Finance Bill' 1931
GAITSKELL/G25 'Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on the Rent Restrictions Acts' (Minister of Health) 1931
GAITSKELL/G26 'The Organisation of Foreign Trade of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics' Report by C.P.Paton 1931
GAITSKELL/G27 'Circular to Local Authorities on the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act' (Ministry of Health) 1924
GAITSKELL/G28 'Public Social Services. Total Expenditure under certain Acts of Parliament' 1931
GAITSKELL/G29 'Housing (Financial Provisions) Bill' 1932
GAITSKELL/G30 'Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Bill' 1932
GAITSKELL/G31 Report of the Committee of Enquiry on the Post Office 1932
GAITSKELL/G32 'Unemployment Bill' 1933
GAITSKELL/G33 'Unemployment Bill. Explanatory memorandum on Clauses' (Minister of Labour) 1933
GAITSKELL/G34 'Russia No 1 (1933) Correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow' 1933
GAITSKELL/G35 'Russia No 2 (1933) Further Correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow' 1933
GAITSKELL/G36 'Housing (Financial Provisions) Act 1933'. Circular to Housing Authorities and County Councils 1933
GAITSKELL/G37 'Housing Bill' 1934
GAITSKELL/G38 'Housing, House Production, Slum Clearance etc. England and Wales' Ministry of Health 1934
GAITSKELL/G39 Unemployment Assistance Board. Explanantory note on the regulations [1934]
GAITSKELL/G40 'Memorandum on the Unemployment Assistance (Determination of Need and Assessment of Needs) Regulations' (Minister of Labour) 1934
GAITSKELL/G41 'Statement of the First Lord of the Admiralty Explanatory of the Navy Estimates' 1935
GAITSKELL/G42 'Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Air to accompany Air Estimates' 1935
GAITSKELL/G43 'Papers relating to the International Tin Control Scheme' (Secretary of State for the Colonies) 1935
GAITSKELL/G44 'Statement relating to Defence, issued in connection with the Commons debate on March 11, 1935' (The Prime Minister) 1935
GAITSKELL/G45 'Report on Agricultural Marketing Schemes' (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) 1935
GAITSKELL/G46 'Hansard' (Commons) 26 Mar 1936 and 23 Jun 1936.
Extent46 items
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
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