Description | GAITSKELL/1 'Great Britain and the European Crisis'. Correspondence and statements in Parliament 1914 GAITSKELL/G2 'Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Bill' 1927 GAITSKELL/G3 'Public Social Services. Total Expenditure under Certain Acts of Parliament' 1927 GAITSKELL/G4 'Proposals for Reform in Local Government and in the Financial Relations between the Exchequer and Local Authorities' (Ministry of Health) (2 copies) 1928 GAITSKELL/G5 'Local Government Bill, 1928. Explanatory Memorandum on the Provisions of the Bill' (Ministry of Health) 1928 GAITSKELL/G6 'Local Government Bill' 1928 GAITSKELL/G7 'Rating and Valuation (Apportionment Bill)' 1928 GAITSKELL/G8 'Summary of Unemployment Insurance Acts 1920-1927' (Minister of Labour) 1928 GAITSKELL/G9 'Second Report of the Guardians appointed to constitute the Board of Guardians for the Bedwelty Union' (Minister of Health) 1928 GAITSKELL/G10 'Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Bill' 1929 GAITSKELL/G11 'Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Bill. Explanatory Memorandum' (Minister of Health) 1929 GAITSKELL/G12 'Summary of the Provisions of the National Health Insurance Acts 1924 to 1928' 1929 GAITSKELL/G13 'Unemployed persons in receipt of Domiciliary Poor-Law Relief in England and Wales during the week ending 15th June, 1929' (Ministry of Health) 1929 GAITSKELL/G14 'Report of the Committee on Procedure and Evidence for the Determination of Claims for Unemployment Insurance Benefit' (Minister of Labour) 1929 GAITSKELL/G15 'Unemployment Insurance Bill, 1929. Explanatory Memorandum' (Minister of Labour) 1929 GAITSKELL/G16 'Works Councils (No 2) Bill' 1930 GAITSKELL/G17 'Consumers' Council Bill' 1930 GAITSKELL/G18 'Education Bill' 1930 GAITSKELL/G19 'Coal Mines Bill' 1930 GAITSKELL/G20 'Trade Disputes and Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill' 1930 GAITSKELL/G21 'Committee on the Cotton Industry Report' (Economic Advisory Council) 1930 GAITSKELL/G22 'Poor Law Report of a Special Inquiry into various forms of test work' (Minister of Health) 1930 GAITSKELL/G23 'Poor Law Act' 1930 GAITSKELL/G24 'Finance Bill' 1931 GAITSKELL/G25 'Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on the Rent Restrictions Acts' (Minister of Health) 1931 GAITSKELL/G26 'The Organisation of Foreign Trade of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics' Report by C.P.Paton 1931 GAITSKELL/G27 'Circular to Local Authorities on the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act' (Ministry of Health) 1924 GAITSKELL/G28 'Public Social Services. Total Expenditure under certain Acts of Parliament' 1931 GAITSKELL/G29 'Housing (Financial Provisions) Bill' 1932 GAITSKELL/G30 'Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Bill' 1932 GAITSKELL/G31 Report of the Committee of Enquiry on the Post Office 1932 GAITSKELL/G32 'Unemployment Bill' 1933 GAITSKELL/G33 'Unemployment Bill. Explanatory memorandum on Clauses' (Minister of Labour) 1933 GAITSKELL/G34 'Russia No 1 (1933) Correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow' 1933 GAITSKELL/G35 'Russia No 2 (1933) Further Correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow' 1933 GAITSKELL/G36 'Housing (Financial Provisions) Act 1933'. Circular to Housing Authorities and County Councils 1933 GAITSKELL/G37 'Housing Bill' 1934 GAITSKELL/G38 'Housing, House Production, Slum Clearance etc. England and Wales' Ministry of Health 1934 GAITSKELL/G39 Unemployment Assistance Board. Explanantory note on the regulations [1934] GAITSKELL/G40 'Memorandum on the Unemployment Assistance (Determination of Need and Assessment of Needs) Regulations' (Minister of Labour) 1934 GAITSKELL/G41 'Statement of the First Lord of the Admiralty Explanatory of the Navy Estimates' 1935 GAITSKELL/G42 'Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Air to accompany Air Estimates' 1935 GAITSKELL/G43 'Papers relating to the International Tin Control Scheme' (Secretary of State for the Colonies) 1935 GAITSKELL/G44 'Statement relating to Defence, issued in connection with the Commons debate on March 11, 1935' (The Prime Minister) 1935 GAITSKELL/G45 'Report on Agricultural Marketing Schemes' (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) 1935 GAITSKELL/G46 'Hansard' (Commons) 26 Mar 1936 and 23 Jun 1936. |