Description | EUROPE: GAITSKELL/G114 'Italy. An Economic Survey' ('The Statist') Oct 1952 GAITSKELL/G115 Italian Institute for Community Centres 'A New Social Experiment' 1954 GAITSKELL/G116 'The Economic Potential of Europe' ('European Movement') (2 copies) 1952 GAITSKELL/G117 Rykens, Paul 'Towards a European Economy'. Reprint from 'The Journal of Industrial Economics' Apr 1953 GAITSKELL/G118 Weir, Ernest T. 'Notes on the Foreign Situation Based on a trip Abroad' 1953 GAITSKELL/G119 Heuss, Theodor '20 July 1944'. Address at the ceremony commemorating the 10th anniversary, 19 Jul 1954 1954 GAITSKELL/G120 'Action Program of the Social Democratic Party of Germany' [?1954] GAITSKELL/G121 'Perspective of Holland and Belgium', supplement of 'Atlantic Monthly' 1954 GAITSKELL/G122 Gordon, Lincoln 'Myth and Reality in European Integration'. Typescript from the 'Yale Review' Autumn 1955 GAITSKELL/G123 McGhee, George 'Turkey Joins the West'. Reprint from 'Foreign Affairs' July 1954
AMERICA: (including Anglo-American relationship) GAITSKELL/G124 'Friends of Atlantic Union. Statement of Policy' 1952 GAITSKELL/G125 Ward, Barbara 'Britain's Interest in Atlantic Union' (Friends of Atlantic Union) post 1953 GAITSKELL/G126 'Can We Get Along Together? Daily Mirror Spotlight on the Anglo-American Partnership' (2 copies) post 1953 GAITSKELL/G127 Fetter, Frank W. 'Witch Hunt in the Lincoln Country' Reprint from 'The South Atlantic Quarterly' Jul 1954 GAITSKELL/G128'USA in Brief' 1954 GAITSKELL/G129 Randall, Clarence B. 'A Foreign Economic Policy for the United States' (Charles R. Walgreen Foundation Lectures) 1954 GAITSKELL/G130 'Progress of Freedom in the United States' ('New York Herald Tribune') 1954 GAITSKELL/G131 'The Center for International Studies. A Description' (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 1955
ISRAEL AND THE MIDDLE EAST: GAITSKELL/G132 Eban, Abba 'Peace in the Middle East'. Speech before the UN (1952) (Israel Office of Information) post 1952 GAITSKELL/G133 Elath, Elath 'Population Problems in Israel'. Lecture to the Royal Central Asian Society 1952 GAITSKELL/G134 'The Arab Refugees' (Government of Israel) (2 copies) 1953 GAITSKELL/G135 'Teachers in Israel' (General Federation of Jewish Labour in Israel) c1954 GAITSKELL/G136 'Transport Workers in Israel' (General Federation of Jewish Labour in Israel) c1954 GAITSKELL/G137'Israel 1954' (Government Information Services, Israel) 1954 GAITSKELL/G138 Technion Society of Great Britain Bulletin Apr 1954 GAITSKELL/G139 'Israel Faces Danger' (Embassy of Israel) 1955 GAITSKELL/G140 'Review of Economic Conditions in Israel' (Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M.) 1955 GAITSKELL/G141 'Israel and Egypt. A Summary of the Present Situation' (Embassy of Israel) [post 1955] GAITSKELL/G142 'Syria'(geography and history) 1955
ASIA: GAITSKELL/G143 Levick, R.B.M. 'Korea. Post Mortem & Ideal Solution' (loose pages) post 1953 GAITSKELL/G144 Neuman, Dr A.M. de 'Industrial Development in Indonesia' 1955 GAITSKELL/G145 'East & West'. Special issue on Burma (British-Asian Socialist Fellowship) 1955 GAITSKELL/G146 Goddard, Dr W.G. 'Report on Formosa' [?1954] GAITSKELL/G147Bowles, Chester 'A Fresh Look at Free Asia'. Reprint from 'Foreign Affairs' Oct 1954 GAITSKELL/G148 'Painting in Pakistan' Pakistan Publications nd GAITSKELL/G149 Jayewardene, J.R. 'Buddhist Essays' Ceylon 1944 GAITSKELL/G150 'Buddhism and Marxism' Lecture by J.R.Jayewardene to Ceylon University Buddhist Brotherhood 1950 GAITSKELL/G151 'AZ-Zahira'. Review of Zahira College, Colombo. 1953 GAITSKELL/G152 Ali, Mohamad. All Parties Conference on Kashmir Opening speech 1955. |