Description | WEA: Raybould, S.G. 'The WEA. The Next Phase' 1949 Tawney, R.H. 'The WEA and Adult Education' (University of London) 1953 'Trade Union Education' Report of a WEA working party 1953 Annual reports (2 copies) 1953-1954 Annual report of the East Midland District 1954-1955 Report by the Central Executive Committee to the Annual Conference on the Association's Structure, Administration, Organisation and Finance 1955 Leaflet 'The Workers' Educational Association & Grants for Adult Education' 1953 'Implications of the Ashby Report on the Policy, Administration and Finance of the Association' 1954 WEA Bulletins 'The Highway' Mar 1955 and 'Trade Union Education' July 1955 Eagle, Edgar C. 'The East Midland District of the Workers' Educational Association. An Outline of its Origin and Growth' [1953] Leaflet 'Educational Facts and Local Opinion' [c1953] 'Public Education'. Statements for discussion at and adopted by the Annual Conference (2) 1954 Bulletin 'Trade Union Education' Jul 1955 Annual Report, London District, and enclosing letter 1954-1955
General: Ashby, Eric 'The Pathology of Adult Education' William F.Harvey Memorial Lecture (2 copies) 1955 Educational Interchange Council Annual Report 1953-54 'West Riding Education. Ten Years of Change' (West Riding Education Committee) [1954] 'The Daily Mirror Spotlight on Education' [1954] 'The Training of Fundamental Educators' Education Abstracts (UNESCO) Oct 1955. |