Description | Large photograph album titled "Signes Caractristiques des Principales Professions Manuelles / Photographies et observations recueillies sous la direction de M Alphonse Bertillon / Par M Felix Geoffray, attach au Service d'Identification de la Prfecture de Police / Premiere Srie publie par ordre de M Loze, Prfet de Police / Paris 1891".
Contains black and white photographs of people who did manual work or skilled work with their hands, taken under the direction of Bertillon. The focus is on distinguishing features of the subject's hands, particularly callouses or skin conditions caused by the use of certain tools. There is one page or double-page spread for each profession or trade, arranged aplhabetically. The names of the people who were photographed are not given. Each entry usually includes a photograph of a person who did a particular job showing them at work and several detailed photographs of their hands. |
CustodialHistory | The custodial history of this book is unknown and it was not included in the original Galton collection handlist. However, given the subject of the book and the working relationship between Galton and the book's producer, Alphonse Bertillon, it is highly likely that it was owned and used by Galton. A letter from Bertillon to Galton dated 15 June 1891 makes reference to this book. See GALTON/3/3/2/12. |